S1 English Maths (20點 ) !!!!!!

2012-08-25 7:10 pm
1. Program X is a series of command to control the movement of a robot. The detail of program X is as follows :

----- Program start -----

Step 1 : Move 4 units to the right.
Step 2 : Move 5 units upwards.
Step 3 : Move 3 units to the left.
Step 4 : Move 5 units downwards.

----- Program end -----

Initially the robot was at (0, 0). After running program X for 99 times, the battery level can support the robot to complete 2 more steps only. Then the robot stopped. Where did the robot stop? Show the steps how you find the coordinates.

回答 (1)

2012-08-25 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Step 1 : Move 4 units to the right.
(0,0) ⇒ (4,0)
Step 2 : Move 5 units upwards.
(4,0) ⇒ (4,5)
Step 3 : Move 3 units to the left.
(4,5) ⇒ (1,5)
Step 4 : Move 5 units downwards.
(1,5) ⇒ (1,0)
∴ After running program X for 99 times , the robot stopped at (99,0) ,
the battery level can support the robot to complete 2 more steps only ,
then from (99,0) Move 4 units to the right at (103,0) ,
from (103,0) Move 5 units upwards at (103,5).
The robot stopped at (103 , 5).

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 22:30:33
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