GCE AS Result need advice pls

2012-08-24 2:01 am
AS results release, 3A ( Chem, Econ Math), UMS >90%, B in bio, A in Chinese (AS+A2)
I am going to drop bio next year., study further
Average UMS across the best three subjects excluding bio, 95%,
Do u think i can apply oxbridge?
I am interested in two courses, one chemistry, two is stat related subjects
For oxbridge, I will go for chemistry. If unfortunately can't get in, I may choose imperial
Chemistry ok interested ge
But another course is Stat, business and finance. Opportunity to get in oxford maths and stat ~0, so I will try LSE, imperial or UCL.

I read the requirment in chem of oxford, just need chem, math and one more science or further. If i drop bio, I still have chem and math and further and econ, is it ok?

回答 (2)

2012-08-24 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Halo, 我係英國讀緊書,希望幫到你丫=]

1) Do u think i can apply oxbridge? I am interested in two courses, one chemistry, two is stat related subjects. For oxbridge, I will go for chemistry. If unfortunately can't get in, I may choose imperial
Chemistry ok interested ge. But another course is Stat, business and finance. Opportunity to get in oxford maths and stat ~0, so I will try LSE, imperial or UCL.

>>先要知道,oxford, ic, ucl 都係唔睇中文既。而亦要先consider你有冇其他公開試既成績,好似gcse, hkcee等等,因為oxford會睇的,如果有, 俾人叫去interview既機會會大一d, 同時oxford唔只睇成績,仲要有personal statement, reference letter, good predicted grades (ie 3 x A*) 同埋你有冇咩award既。但留意既係bio B 左, 所以多多少少都會有影響既。

> 而IC 既chem還亦唔係易入,我係係ic chem grad既。果時我個offer係AAA(果時仲未有A* system). 而今年入學既chem 係收A*AA (excluding chinese), 而亦有要求要每個modules都要A以上。 而ucl就低少少既。 而stat方面,IC係冇專for stat 既,只有maths with statistical finance. 而lse要求亦高,因為佢會睇你有冇考gcse/hkcee. 如果冇, 可能會被hold住。而ucl 既requirement就會低少少。

> 唔建議你報兩科咁唔同既野,因為statement只可以submit一份,而亦有限字數,所以你係分唔到位平均咁寫2個唔同既科既

2) I read the requirment in chem of oxford, just need chem, math and one more science or further. If i drop bio, I still have chem and math and further and econ, is it ok?

>> 我自己都報過oxford 既chem. 我本身as 係讀phy, chem, bio, maths. 最後drop左bio. 都有interview既機會,所以係冇問題的。而要留意既係,oxford 唔計中文的。

希望幫到你丫,有d咩可以再email 我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp=]
2012-08-24 5:25 pm
what is ur email? want to talk more about my profile

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