what was the content of the letters in the movie letters to juliet?

2012-08-22 12:45 pm
about the movie letters to juliet

回答 (2)

2012-08-22 4:25 pm
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“What” and “if” are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them side by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.

What if, what if, what if.

I don’t know how your story ended, but if what you felt then was true love, then it’s never too late. If it was true then ,why wouldn’t it be true now?

You need only the courage, to follow your heart. I don’t know what a love like Juliet’s feels like, a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for, but I’d like to believe, if I ever were to feel it, that I’d have the courage to seize it, and Claire if you didn’t, I hope one day that you will.
2016-10-22 10:10 am
500 days of summer women in black insidious pitch suited the starvation video games(likely already considered it) the magnificent spider guy the vow the adventures of tin tin ....ok im performed :)

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