Transfer flight Lon->Newcastle

2012-08-23 3:42 am
I am holding on to a Singapore Passport. I have just studied in Bellerbys College for Foundation programme last year Sep. 2011 to June 2012. I am starting my University course in September 2012.

Which queue do I queue in after alighting from the plane in London Heathrow Airport?
When I land in Heathrow, the time will be 6:30am. My next flight to Newcastle is at 9:55 am. So what signs do I follow after I have alighted from the plane?

回答 (1)

2012-08-31 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Although you may have a student visa, you are holding a Singaporean Passport, which mean you are not a citizen of European Union. So, when you get off from the plane, please queue in front of the immigration counter for "Foreigners"

After getting through the immigration, you may follow the signs of "Transfer", then you can easily find your next flight to Newcastle.

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