唔該幫手翻譯以下句 子 唔係幾睇得明

2012-08-23 12:54 am
唔該幫手翻譯以下句 同解答小小問題thx

Adherents of most historical models identify many of the same features of the Ancien Régime as being among the causes of the Revolution
咩係historical models? 個many of the same features 又唔係好明

an inadequate transportation system that hindered the shipment of bulk foods from rural areas to large population centers
點解food 要加s?? food 唔係已經係眾數咩??

While he did reduce government expenditures, opponents in the parlements successfully thwarted his attempts at enacting much needed reforms.

Many other factors involved resentments and aspirations given focus by the rise of Enlightenment ideals

Queen Marie-Antoinette, who was falsely accused of being a spendthrift and an Austrian spy; and anger toward the King for firing finance minister Jacques Necker,
among others, who were popularly seen as representatives of the people.

the state was nearing bankruptcy and outlays outpaced income.點解income 唔洗加s???

回答 (2)

2012-08-23 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Adherents of most historical models identify many of the same features of the Ancien Régime as being among the causes of the Revolution
咩係historical models? 個many of the same features 又唔係好明

我以為你會唔問乜叫做adherents…historical models意思是指歷史中常見的模式(例如讀歷史常見所謂的「內憂外患」,「利慾薰心」,「荒淫無道」,「兄弟爭位」等等的常見國位/國家變化的因由),same features就是指上列那些內容中的特徵或要點。全句意思是(中文句跟英文句剛好反轉的,因為句子的主題是revolution的cause:革命的很多因由都跟古代國家的歷史模式中所常見有相同的特徵。
an inadequate transportation system that hindered the shipment of bulk foods from rural areas to large population centers
點解food 要加s?? food 唔係已經係眾數咩??

由於food這裏被附上bulk這形容詞,food就不再是指普遍的食物,而是指以包裝起來一件件可量化的食物單位。因此要表達多於一件的話,便要加s把這字看為可數的名詞。 全句意思:不完善的交通網限制了運載大量食物由鄉郊地區去到人口稠密的市中心。 While he did reduce government expenditures, opponents in the parliaments successfully thwarted his attempts at enacting much needed reforms.

全句意思:雖然他已經減少政府開支,國會內的反對派仍成功地阻撓他嘗試通過的這些極為需要的改革方案。 Many other factors involved resentments and aspirations given focus by the rise of Enlightenment ideals

Queen Marie-Antoinette, who was falsely accused of being a spendthrift and an Austrian spy; and anger toward the King for firing finance minister Jacques Necker,
among others, who were popularly seen as representatives of the people. 全句意思:瑪莉王后被誤控為荒唐消費和是一個奧地利間諜,亦遷怒於皇上辭去那個的財相Jacques Necker及其他被視為代表人民的人。

the state was nearing bankruptcy and outlays outpaced income.點解income 唔洗加s???因為唔係講某些(多項)收入,而是表達全州的整體收入。 全句意思:全州已經接近破產並且支出的速度比收入還要快。
2012-08-23 1:44 am



皇后瑪麗 -


2012-08-22 17:48:02 補充:
因為income 是收入,沒有指定數量

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:13:31
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