麻煩幫手睇一睇呢篇文 睇下有咩錯處 thx

2012-08-22 11:58 pm
A valuable experience of being a restaurant cook.

Let me introduce myself first, my name is Wong Tai Man and I am a form six student. Recently, I took part in a scheme called ‘Working Week’ which was conducted by our school. In the scheme ,there were totally five occupation I could choose from. And I finally chose to be a restaurant cook because I loves delicious cuisines very much and I want to know the working environment of kitchen and how to make tasty food.

I still remember the sense I worked in the kitchen on the first day. It was extremely hot and I had to work for many hours which was from 11:am to 10:pm, it was very appalling. The workload was beyond my imagination. My work in the kitchen was to fry food such as french fries. The oil used to fry was very hot, it made me sweat like a pig. I have once thought to run away from the kitchen as I could not endure the environment like that anymore.

Eventually, I did not do so because I wanted to make money to buy a new shoe. I began learning to adjust the hot environment and the large amount of workload. I gradually become more and more faster when frying food and I have learned some skills to distinguish if the food is cooked. Once a time ,when I went out to the dining hall to have a lunch ,the smile face showed from the customers made me understand that my work can make people happy and enjoyable. After that, everytime when I thought of the smile face of the customers ,it motivated me to do better despite the hardship.

After this scheme, although I find the kitchen job meaningful, I think I cannot work in such environment for a long period of time. I have learned that working is very hard and I must now pay more effort into studying in order to seek a job which is more comfortable than the job like restaurant cook.

回答 (2)

2012-08-29 1:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
*do not use "and" in the start of a sentence*
*i love...not i loves*
"Finally, I chose to be a restaurant cook because i love..."

*it's risky to form long sentences without making a run-on*
*seperate the sentence after much*
"very much. Also, I want to EXPERIENCE the working environment of a kitchen and learn how to make tasty food"

*eventually should not be use when the event did NOT go the way your intro does*
"However, I did not do so..."

你得一隻鞋? XD
"...to buy a new PAIR of shoeS.

*here you can use eventually*
"Eventually, I began to adjust to the hot environment and a large amount of workload."

*you do not need gradually and "more and more" which is wrong by the way*
"I became much faster when frying food and I have learned new skills..."

*once, I went to the dining hall..."

"the SMILING faceS"

*place "after this scheme" after "a long period of time"*

*you do NOT need "now"*

"then job of being a restaurant cook"

2012-08-29 05:08:30 補充:
*IN a kichen"

2012-08-29 05:10:21 補充:
"than the job of being a restaurant cook."
打錯~! :P
參考: me
2012-08-23 1:52 am
參考: me~

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