How do I keep my baby awake during the day?

2012-08-22 7:09 am
I have a four month old daughter and she doesn't go to sleep until between one thirty and three in the morning. She used to stay awake until six a.m. but my mom took her for a couple nights and put this cream on her temples to make her sleep better. I used to get up early and would like to start doing that again. I've tried playing with her, moving her around, jiggling her legs when she starts falling asleep but it doesn't work. How can I get her to stay awake in the day time so she goes to bed earlier, like at nine or ten?

回答 (2)

2012-08-22 7:21 am
We did a slow adjustment of waking our son up.a half an hour earlier in the morning and a half an hour earlier from bed. It was a couple week.process before we got him on the right schedule of 8:30 am wake 2pm nap 10pm bed. Some babies struggle with nutrients that they need to help them sleep. We found a infant calcium/magnesium liquid that we gave about an hour before bed time and it helped.tremendously. a lot off people do melatonin for older kids but it is not safe for infants. You can also go to a health food store. They have many great helps for infant sleep and calmers that are not drug induced but nutritional. Our son loved chamomile tea too so we gave him a little before be each night just to help.him chill out. We advised our doctor and he said it all.was harmless so if it worked go for it and it did! Also there is a book called the no cry sleep.solution for.infants that is so great and works!!
2012-08-22 7:10 am
play with him..

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