Who made up Jesus? And Why?

2012-08-22 6:57 am
Since Jesus was made up who made him up?
Why did they make him up?

Jewish-Roman historian Flavius Josephus makes account of him,"the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James". That is historical fact.

So who made up this man called Christ?

BTW I am Christian. I just wanted to ask it in an atheistic manner. This was a question I asked myself when I claimed to be an atheist.


It was one the main reasons I started believing in God at the time. How could Jesus become such a controversy. The Jews were only tolerated by the Romans. They could care less about the inner working of their religious lives except in matters that would cause unrest among the people. So the Romans didn't invent him to insight a cult following among there Semitic neighbors. And the Jews didn't invent him. They had him killed. So why would they bring up a messiah only to kill him. How could this man be such a force throughout history if the only people that were looking for him did not acknowledge him as messiah.

回答 (8)

2012-08-22 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Absence of evidence is not proof of absence.

In 2000 years, just because no one will remember or document my existence, doesn't mean "Eva" never existed. Similarly, dipping a glass in the ocean then asserting "see, there are no whales in this glass of water, therefore there are no whales in the ocean" would be absurd.

...think, and look closely at the teachings, then ask yourself (a) "Who could teach - let alone know about the fundamental concepts of the Divine nature of man?" and (b) "Why would anyone in the dust bowls of Judea, squeezing out an existence during that time with no plumbing, electricity, and many other things better to do to subsist, completely fabricate - out of thin air - a fictional character which such a power human message then go on to document that fictional man's crucifixion?"

Such a scenario is improbable and if such a message weren't as powerful as it was and still is, that message wouldn't have lasted 2000+ years.

"To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself." - Thomas Jefferson
2012-08-22 2:03 pm
To control people
2012-08-22 2:13 pm
I think he was a real guy who told people he was the son of sone diety and made up elaborate stories to garner attention.
2012-08-22 2:09 pm
Like many other ideas promoted by the "New Atheism", the notion of a mythical Jesus has been long discredited in respectable academic circles whose scholars actually know about the subject as opposed to interlopers from the sciences or other academic disciplines. However, it is also true that the figure of Christ resembles a number of other figures who are mythical such as Horus and Woden in certain respects. Some of those resemblances are simply patterns which aren't there because of a plethora of features. I would say that rather than there actually being motives for the invention of Christ, the concepts and features associated with him are to do with archetypes and universals, or with features that make him a stronger meme.
2012-08-22 2:05 pm
I did. Just to confuse you.
參考: Did it work?
2012-08-22 2:01 pm
Well ummm yeah.... sorry you feel that way but Jesus is real and i think you better start doing more research
2012-08-22 2:06 pm
>Well ummm yeah.... sorry you feel that way but Jesus is real and i think you better start doing more research

Regarding research - you've got his name wrong.
2012-08-22 2:04 pm
I find it interesting you are asking a question that you already know the answer to. Christ is God in the flesh; nobody made Him up, He has existed from eternity. He came to this earth humbly as a baby and paid the sin debt for the world. Three days after His death, He rose again and is now sitting at the right-hand of the Father. Nobody made Him up. Many prophesied about Him and after He came, His apostles wrote about Him. This is how we know He existed. Also, Josephus (an unbeliever) found historical proof that Christ existed.
2012-08-22 1:59 pm
Jesus is real....

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