In "Sweeney Todd" how do you know Mrs. Lovett's first name is Nellie?

2012-08-20 7:39 am
So I've read that Mrs. Lovett is named Nellie, but that was never said in the movie (2007 version at least) so how do people know that? Was it just in other versions of it or something? Also, why is she a "Mrs." if she isn't married?

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2012-08-25 5:09 pm
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The name "Nellie" is probably in other versions, but I didn't see them.
Mrs. Lovett was definitely married. The meat pie shop's name was "Mrs. Lovett's". And she mentioned his dead husband's name "Albert" twice. Actually, there was a picture of Albert hung on the wall.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:55:27
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