Does anyone have "Saggi Boobs The Teacher" question about the best racks here on horoscopes?

2012-08-19 7:36 pm
I have a friend that was mentioned in one of the answers and now I can't find Saggi Boobs questions. Could someone send me a link to that question please? My friend wants to see it.

He has his shirt off and he is a big dude with manboobs. Help please?

回答 (6)

2012-08-19 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think his account got reported :/ I can't find anything because I know I answered some of his questions but they're gone so sorry lol.

-Maybe someone found it offensive idk lol. Many possibilities but you know he will come back in a different form someday.. haha just kidding - bet he'll just make a new account.
2012-08-20 2:43 am
Lol I answered that funny Q but after that I saw it got deleted (someone probably reported it). . . xo
2012-08-20 3:42 am
He was funny and his Avatar picture was hilarious, but he was also making fun of SaggiMC the Teacher - another user....even one of his questions quoted something she says over and over about not being the sum of your sun, blah, blah, blah. His account was probably deleted because his questions were in violation of the guidelines of YA, asking specific questions about other users. In spite of his offensive presentation, I miss him.

2012-08-20 3:35 am
I also answered that question. I do not see it any where.
2012-08-20 5:23 am
I don't get why anyone would think constantly mocking another user would be "funny".


I want to be "funny", too~~~~!!! Maybe I'll just change my name to another user's name and see if that's funny.!!!"

IS it?
2012-08-20 11:59 am
I can't believe you would be thinking that guy was funny? I thought you were SO into astrology?

We have all answered one of his questions because he was so gross. I thought your question was a "joke of a joke," and someone was pretending they were you, Amethyst!

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