
2012-08-19 11:20 pm
Complete the following conversation with the correct form of the verbs in the word
box. You can use two verbs more than once. (______) inside the word is an ans.

Word box:
1.be 2.break 3. buy 4. cost 5.give 6.like 7.wear.

You can use the simple present tense of the simple past tense.

Polly: I (like) your new running shoes,Gary.Where (are) you buy them?
Gary: I (buy) them at Times Square.They only (sost) 299 dollars.
Polly: (Have) you a big fan of Nike?
Gary: Yes,I (am).My dad (gave) me my first pair of Nike shoes when I was in
Primary 1.I (wear) them until they (like).

You are wrong.The correct ans is 意見者: Godfrey

回答 (3)

2012-08-19 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Polly: ..........where (did) you buy them?
Gary: I (bought) .......They only ( costed) 299 dollars .
Polly : (Had) .......
Gary: .... (did ).............................
I (wore)...........

2012-08-19 17:07:45 補充:

2012-08-19 17:09:04 補充:
Line 3 一定不是Are !
2012-08-20 10:39 am
Polly: I (LIKE) your new running shoes,Gary.Where (DID) you buy them?
Gary: I (BOUGHT) them at Times Square.They only (COST) 299 dollars.
Polly: (ARE) you a big fan of Nike?
Gary: Yes,I (AM).My dad (gave) me my first pair of Nike shoes when I was in
Primary 1. I (WORE) them until they (BROKE).

2012-08-20 02:51:41 補充:
Past tense of "cost" is "cost". 沒有加 -ed

They only (cost) 299 dollars.
不管 present tense or past tense, 都用 cost
(Third person singular用 costs, They 是 plural subject)
這句子應該用 past tense
2012-08-19 11:37 pm
Line2. Gary: I (bought) them at Times Square. They only (cost) 299 dollars.
Line3. Polly: (Are) you a big fan of Nike?
Line5. Gary:.....I (wore) them until they broke.

Bought 因為買了, 是past
Are 因為問是不是, 並不是問有沒有
Wore & break 因為until是指直到, they 是指shoes, 所以我猜是break, 然後是past, 所以要變過去式

My English is poor but hope I can help you! You can improve your English by reading more English books and speak more English.

2012-08-19 15:39:40 補充:
cost 不知道要不要轉past tense... 因為它可能現在的價錢還是299 dollars...
參考: Just me :D

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