
2012-08-19 10:31 pm
"We don’t get many folks out this way, and you young’uns sound like you aren’t from ‘round these parts anyhow."

其中We don’t get many folks out this way點解??

回答 (3)

2012-08-22 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
it simply mean that, "we don't usually have a lot of people/visitors, and you young people sound like you come from elsewhere"

中文意思: 我哋唔多有訪客or外人嚟, 年輕人你地嘅口音聽起嚟似係外地(外省)人喎

2012-09-07 22:18:38 補充:
我唔係咩高人 不過希望幫倒你啦 =]
參考: myself (I'm a british chinese living in the UK)
2012-08-20 7:35 am

"We don't get many folks out this way" 的中文翻譯是:在這方面,我們不會得出很多民間音樂

而整句 "We don't get many folks out this way, and you young'uns sound like you aren't from 'round these parts anyhow." 的中譯是:在這方面,我們不會得出很多民間音樂。還有,總之你、聲音聽上去像你的小伙子,都不是來自圍繞在這些部分的。

folk:同 "folk music",即「民間音樂」(因原句的後半截,提及 "sound",所以,並沒有以其原指的「鄉親」、「家屬」之類來中譯。至於「民間音樂」的定義,請參閱這裡)。way:方面、點(因在 "this way" 前沒有 "by"、"with",所以,所以,並沒有以 "way" 較常指的「方法」、「方式」來中譯)。young'un:小孩、年輕人(請參閱這裡)。sound:聽上去、聽起來。


2012-08-21 23:42:31 補充:
See Lok,原來係咁嘅意思!可以詳細解釋下,等我呢啲咁不知謂,咁孤陋寡聞之輩可以得親教益。如果能夠得到如施高人指教,實在係萬分榮寵!

2012-10-10 02:19:50 補充:
參考: 苗克阿肯
2012-08-19 10:51 pm
We don’t get many folks out this way

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