英文長文proofreading 改正

2012-08-19 1:12 am
The places for secondary school’ students to get into universities have long been insufficient.Over the past few years, countless students ,who have successfully meet the minimum requirement of entering university , still failed to enter universities. It have stirred up discontent among the parents as well as the students. They criticize the government for not enhancing the places of university to deal with the large demand. For me, I totally agree with the above argument because increasing the places of university can definitely reinforce the competitiveness of teenagers.

Nowadays, without an university’s degree, teenagers can hardly survive in such highly competitive city like Hong Kong. Neither do they have work experience nor an university degree, only low-skilled job are available for them. This kinds of job often require their employees working for long hours and just offer minimum wages to their staff. In Hong Kong, it seems that holding a degree is a must for seeking jobs. Therefore, the government should increase the number of places of university as soon as possible for the sake of the future of teenagers and Hong Kong.

However, the places of university should not be increased too much too. Let me take Taiwan as an example. Almost 100% Taiwan students can enroll at universities after completing secondary schools. It leads to the result that graduating from the universities with low ranking and reputation is meaningless and useless. Employers will only take account of those who graduate from prestigious universities. Therefore, it is not wise for Hong Kong to follow suit ,otherwise the value of degree will be devaluated.

Lastly, no matter how much are the places of universities, what local students should do is not to grumble but to put more effort to study. All of you are the pillar of society in the future, Hong Kong prosperity is all depend on your professional knowledge. So, just try your best to study and contribute to the community in the future.

回答 (2)

2012-08-19 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
The 1)provision for secondary 2)school students to get into universities have long been insufficient.Over the past few years, countless students 3)who have successfully met the minimum requirement of entering university still failed to enter universities. It have stirred up discontent among 4)parents as well as 5)students. They criticize the government for not 6)increasing the 7)provision 8)due to the large demand. For me, I totally agree with the above argument because increasing the 9)provision of university can definitely reinforce the competitiveness of teenagers.
Nowadays, without an university’s degree, teenagers can hardly survive in such 10)competitive city like Hong Kong. Neither do they have 11)working experience nor an university degree, only low-skilled 12)jobs are available for them. 13)These kind of jobs often require their employees 14)to work for long hours and just offer 15)the minimum wages to their staff. In Hong Kong, it seems that holding a degree is a must for seeking jobs. Therefore, the government should increase the number of 16)provision of university as soon as possible for the sake of the future of teenagers and Hong Kong.
Lastly, no matter how 17)much provision is provided, what local students should do is not to grumble but to put more effort 18)in studying. All of you are the pillar of 19)the society in the future, Hong Kong prosperity 20)all depends on your professional knowledge. So, just try your best to study and contribute to the community in the future.
參考: me, dictionary
2012-08-19 10:54 am
minimal changes to content; changes to major grammatical errors:

1) countless students who have successfully meet the minimum requirement of entering university failed to enter universities. (不用雙comma, 否則令人誤解students 能"successfully meet the minimum requirement of entering university"為理所當然之事)
e.g. (i) A majority of Hong Kong people who like Sammi Cheung like Andy Hui.
(ii) A majority of Hong Kong people, who like Sammi Cheung, like Andy Hui.
(ii)屈全港嘅人都鍾意sammi cheung. 並等於"A majority of Hong Kong people like Andy Hui." (i)完全冇呢兩個意思。

2)among parents as well as students (no "the"因為泛指家長&學生, 冇"某個"之意。)

3) "meet the large demand" sounds better (to me)

4) omit "For me,"

5) a university (基於讀音, you/ni/VER/si/ti : "you" 唔係vowel開頭) e.g. a U.S. ambassader; a unique painting

6) This kind
This kind of job often requires...and offers...

7) require sb to do sth

8) omit "too"

9) value of sth will decrease/
sth will be devalued

10) no matter how many places of universities there are, ...
(there are而非are there, 就好似我地會話: no matter how hard you try... 而非no matter how hard do you try)

11) will all depend on....
depend(v) ( not adj)

12)”the places for secondary school’ students to get into universities”可簡化為 university places for secondary school students

13)”work experience” sounds right , “working experience” sounds weird
Refer to http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/ask-teacher/114559-working-experience-vs-work-experience.html

咁即係增加定唔增加? 增加dd? 咁即係幾多?由精算師計一個最完美嘅數字?
“加d唔加d”即係加唔加都冇所謂冇特別作用, 做唔到你可能本身想有嘅”溫和””中庸”嘅目的,反而令人覺得有d騎牆/”你講曬la”嘅感覺。

嘗試: 鮮明立場, {論點 + 論據 + 論證}x3
你提出嘅台灣呢個例子幾有力, 其實係support緊唔加學位==>就呢個例子組織論點&論據

另外,其實你帶過一d唔錯嘅爭議點, 可以食住個每個pt 再細心+深入思考 + 組織整理) (e.g.你講到working hr & wage==>想講勞動力高嘅工而人工低-->誰的問題?是低學歷的問題?是僱主問題?是大家都忽視了付出勞力的人的貢獻? 很多值得再search 資料/新聞/評論, (話唔定好多呢d好似冇乜關係嘅嘢反而對你日後寫嘅文章/思辨能力有巨大作用! ) ==>再作答/思考同一篇文章時, 可能就不會寫”有大學degree才有好工作前景/能為香港將來xxx”等等, 你或會有其他更深入的見解)

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