chemistry problems (urgent)?

2012-08-18 4:08 am
1. Refers to the picture in the following link:
'The water solubility of Y is lower than that of X.'
Why is this true?

2. CO(g) + Cl2(g) <---> COCl2(g) ΔH < 0
Why does high pressure increase the rate of production of COCl2?


回答 (3)

2012-08-18 10:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Caroline is right on Q1 but wrong on Q2.

Q1. A further point is steric hindrance. Look at a molecular model of maleic acid: there isn't much room for water molecules around the carboxy groups. Further evidence for this? If you heat maleic acid, it readily dehydrates to form the anhydride, with reduced atomic crowding.

As a subsidiary point, it's always worth checking the possibility of hydrogen bonding within individual molecules - look for 5- or 6-membered rings. This won't be a significant effect in maleic acid; but it would be in, e.g., o-hydroxybenzaldehyde.

Q2. The velocity of gas molecules depends on temperature and is independent of pressure.

Increasing pressure increases reaction rate generally because molecules are closer together and collide more frequently.

This endothermic reaction is driven to the right by increasing pressure because two molecules are combining to form one, thus counteracting the increased pressure. It's a long time since I did any thermodynamics so I can't remember the technical terms or the equation ... typical organic chemist ...
參考: Chemistry degree
2016-07-31 9:16 pm
Negative Erin, you have to not have appeared very tough. You need us to aid you with your experiment. Is not that somewhat unethical? As in dishonest? =========== comply with up ============ in case you use Joseph's suggestions, you want some success. There's no indication that these are ions in answer, and if they have been, they would not type hi, on account that hello is a strong acid and is fully dissociated in aqueous resolution. What he wrote will not be what your trainer expects for the answer. Feel "diatomic". Your second one is much more challenging. What is meant with the aid of Iron(II)? Is it iron metallic? But iron in the metallic state has an oxidation state of zero, no longer +2. Iron (II) is used inside the title of a compound in which iron has an oxidation number of +2. Again, it are not able to type FeF2 from the ions, considering the fact that FeF2 is soluble in water. ============ more follow up ============= adequate, Erin. I will aid you out of the morass of completely flawed solutions that you've got been getting. 1) H2(g) + I2(g) <==> 2HI(g) 2) Fe(s) + F2(g) --> FeF2(s)
2012-08-18 4:16 am
structurally, the COOH are attached in a trans formation in Y and in a cis formation in X, in the trans formation, the molecule can H bond more readily than the OH when placed in cis position. this is because the cis-formation leaves one 'side' of the molecule completely hydrophobic.

increasing pressure makes the CO and Cl2 gas molecules move faster and collide with greater frequency and force

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