What's a good way to lose weight?

2012-08-17 2:47 pm
For those of you who have successfully lost a lot of weight, can you tell me some ideas or methods to lose weight? Preferably the easier ones without excessive exercise.

Specifically my face, my face looks much fatter than it used to.
Deeply appreciated. Thanks.

回答 (9)

2012-08-17 2:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
eat healthy is key number 1. you must have some form of exercise in order to have success. Maybe 3 times a week to start. something as simple as going for a brisk walk or a 30 min bike ride.

Stay away from all fast foods including salds you can buy at mcdonalds. those are just bad news. eat grilled over fried and eat slowly.

When you chew your food, chew slowly and make sure it is really chewed up before swallowing and taking another bite. this insures that you eat slow. Did you know it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain your full?

No soda anymore at all. Cut back on all juices. If juice is a must than use half a cup of juice to half a cup of water.
2016-12-11 9:48 pm
i discovered the e book to be very informative and elementary to ascertain. i've got lost 17 pounds in 12 days, i'm in basic terms in touch that i'm dropping too lots weight, too without postpone. i'll confess i've got not observed the instruction manual precisely. i'm not sticking completely to the indexed meals and meal plans (yet ordinarily) and doing little or no workout, however the burden keeps flying off. It of course works and if i might observed it precisely i think of it would scare the residing daylights out of me by using quantity that i might lose. So thank you lower back for the advice. i've got by no capacity offered something like this in the previous because of the fact they're generally stuffed with trash, yet 3WD has been a delightful ask your self. start off immediately!
2012-08-17 4:31 pm
Just start eating healthy and no junk foods. Drink lots of water and excersise through out the days. Go on an hour bike ride, a mile run, a 2 mile walk, try some basic excersises like lunges, crunches, or jumping jacks. Include excersise when ever you do somethig.
參考: Me
2012-08-17 3:59 pm
Im doing the 1200 diet i think its fine as long as your eating plenty of foods and veg!!

Ive lost a total of 3 stone so here are my own tips from experience:
An important thing (for me!!) is to track down all my food..whether its down on paper or on a word document...anything... because sometimes you don't realise how much your eating and how calorific the food really is...everything adds up so thats my number 1 piece of advice! If your looking for a calorie counter i use a brilliant one on www.makemyplate.co that counts up all your calories on plates in a visual diary. Its great because you can interact with other users and get inspirations off of them. Also it tells you how much you should lose and you record everything you eat in a diary!!

So tip number 2: Fill up your plate with as much veg as you like. Veg is full of fibre vitamins and minerals and is extremely low calorie. Because of this you will feel satisfied and not binge on other foods. A flapjack has about 400 calories and a big tuna and egg salad has 300....which one will fill you up more??

Tip 3: Snack on FRUIT. Its the best snack you can ever munch on. Apples particularly as they fill you up no end, if you eat one 15 minutes before your meal they say that you eat 20 percent less than normal. Also low calorie and packed full of vitamins and minerals.

Tip 3: Balance your plates with proteins carbs and veg. Whether the protein is from nuts meat or eggs etc, its a must in your diet to stop you craving other foods and giving you that energy boost. For example eggs for breakfast is great as it keeps you full till lunchtime. Sugary cereals on the other hand leave you craving foods all morning making you lose concentration!!

Tip 4: Portion size is important. I always said that its not what you eat to a certain extent but how much you eat. Theres nothing wrong with a packet of crips or a chocolate bar its if you have 4 of them!! If your restricting your calories its fine to have a cake every now and then but write it down... don't go over your calorie intake of the day and your fine!!

Tip 5: Forget the processed stuff stored in supermarkets/shops, its full of additional salts and sugars that will leave you unsatisfied...and normally are packed with unnecessary calories and lack of fibre..

Tip 6: THINK NATURAL....nuts, fruits, fish, chicken, vegetables... forget the additional sauces.. for example mayo (1 teaspoon) has 100 calories..whats the point? You may as well eat a kitkat instead!!

You'll lose weight if what your eating is less than 1500 cals approx..check it out on www.makemyplate.co. you can put all those foods on plates in your diary and it will count how many calories and nutrition exactly in your entire day. Then you can find cool alternatives to what your eating and check up if its good for losing weight...

Good luck and hope that helps!!!!
2012-08-17 3:10 pm
It is simple - choose the best diet for you. Once you've done that you can lose weight and feel good.

And remember - the diet must be HEALTHY - don't starve yourself to death.
2012-08-17 2:54 pm
6 small healthy meals a day will keep your stomach and metabolism constantly firing on all cylinders throughout the day.
If your stomach is empty, your metabolism shuts down and eating large meals on a closed metabolism will only ensure negative consequences such as weigh gain etc.

For example;
8am - cereal
11am - banana
1am - sandwich + carrot cake
4am - fruit/snack
7am - meal (represent all food groups)
10am - toast/cereal/fruit

make sure you eat something every 3 hours or your metabolism will go into sleep mode. never let it off guard.
most of all, if you're still hungry, do not eat more. wait it out, your body will adjust to this.

I've attached a link to a great dietetics forum.
2012-08-17 2:52 pm
*Firstly, you should not skip your breakfast, whatever the case may be. Because it is the vital meal of your whole day and the rate of metabolism slows down if you don’t have it. In addition to this, you will be so hungry at your lunchtime that you will end up eating more food than required. So make sure you have a proper and healthy breakfast before leaving your house.
*Secondly, don’t engross yourself in other things like, reading books or watching TV while eating your food. If you don’t concentrate in your food, you will take more than necessary which is not good for your health as well as your weight. You must enjoy your food with your friends or your family but keep an eye on your food too.
*Thirdly, you should chew your food at least 35 times before eating, because the researchers have found out that you will consume fewer calories if you chew for longer time. Moreover, it helps you to digest your food faster as well as restrict the size of your portion and thus you can lose your weight.
*Fruits are just incomparable in losing your weight. They help to detoxify your body if you take them in empty stomach. Moreover, they will give you a huge amount of energy to exercise. It is believed that eating fruits about 30 minutes before any full meal helps in digesting the food quickly.
*Drink water as much as you can as it is very important for a healthy body and it creases the metabolic rate. But you must avoid drinking water in between your meals, since the liquid decreases the rate of digestion. It is advised to have water at least 15 minutes before or after your meal.
*Losing weight can be a difficult process for nearly everyone, so it’s not uncommon that people will ask: how can I lose weight and how can I lose it quickly? Some people are more blessed than others when it comes to their metabolism. A faster metabolism does make losing weight easier, but that’s not to say that someone with a slow metabolism can’t lose weight. In fact, someone with a slow metabolism can lose those extra pounds, and provided that they follow the tips that we suggest, they can lose those pounds quickly. So stop using your sluggish metabolism as an excuse, a barrier between you and your goals.
There are a few rules to follow to ensure that you will lose weight quickly. If you only choose to follow one of these rules, your success will be limited. On the other hand, if you follow all of these rules, you will lose weight rapidly, and just as importantly, you will keep the weight off.

Losing Weight Rule #1
Stay well hydrated. Hydration is one of the most important parts of losing weight and being healthier overall. Drinking lots of water ensures that your stomach is full, and it tricks your body into thinking that you are not hungry. It is important to hydrate primarily with water for a number of reasons. Water is natural and inexpensive, and it is calorie free

Losing Weight Rule #2
Exercise! Exercising is a fun and effective way of losing weight. If you are having trouble losing weight, or if you are losing weight, but not quickly, try adding in exercise. You will be sure to notice a difference if you add exercise to your healthy lifestyle. Not only does it help with weight loss, it also improves cardiovascular health greatly.Rule #1 comes into play here, too; staying hydrated is important if you are exercising because your workouts will suffer if you do not properly hydrate before, during, and after the workout. Staying hydrated allows you to perform at the highest level possible, ensuring that you burn the maximum amount of calories during your workout. Did you know that a 30-minute run can burn up to 500 calories?

Losing Weight Rule #3
Have a diet plan. You can do all the exercise in the world, but if you aren’t eating properly, and eating proper-sized portions, you won’t achieve any success. Weight loss ultimately comes down to calories in vs. calories out; that is, the number of calories that you consume (take in) must be less than the number of calories that you burn (put out) in order for weight loss to occur. Keep a food diary so that you understand what you are eating. Buy a food scale that gives you an accurate estimate of portion sizes. Choose a diet plan that gives you a good mix of proteins and complex carbohydrates. Avoid empty calories.

So, with those rules and tips, you have everything you need to lose weight fast. Losing weight can be difficult, but it is far from impossible, especially with this knowledge. No matter what weight you have been all your life, you can lose weight, and you will lose weight provided that you follow these steps. So if you’ve made it this far, then congratulations; you’ve taken the first step towards losing weight fast.
Not everyone has a speedy metabolism. It’s like being born with perfect pitch or an ability to draw. But everyone can lose weight and keep it off. It just takes discipline and desire. Good luck.
2012-08-17 2:50 pm
Eat 1200-1600 pounds a day, and do 30 minutes to an hour of exercise, even if it is walking, it still counts as exercise!
2012-08-17 2:48 pm
Eat less calories.. 1200 calories a day without excercise and you'll be fine. Or you can eat "normally" and do the program Insanity if you want to get a better health too.

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