WHy is this still bothering me?

2012-08-17 10:45 am
I went out with this guy who is always there for me and always says how much he cares about me. I am nice to him and everything but I still can't get over some things... They were from several months ago though! some almost a year ago but they still bother me :'(
A buncha times when I fell asleep at his house he molested me, more than 10 times... But I figured I should have learned to gaurd myself better or get mad at him then, instead, he didnt even know i knew until just about 2 weeks ago....the first time he did it we werent even going out and when i confronted him he was so dramatic and saying sorry and even burned his hands and wore gloves to hide the burns at school, but looking back, do you think that was to turn the pity on him? He also called me provacative because i fell asleep leaning on him :$ then he told his friend that i took off my shirt and put his hands on my boobs, when really i fell asleep and he did what he wanted :s He also slapped me across the face like 5-6 times. Once I told him to, kinda as a joke to see if he would, and he did and then did a couple times. I didnt say anything cause i asked for it, but it was obvious i was upset and kinda scared, then when i tried to pull away he held me in place and did it again until i was crying, then he felt bad. He also slapped me after i broke up with him and said i felt bad and am sorry, and he slapped me and i cried, and he said he thought it would make me feel better because i used to cut myself when i was upset... He lied to me a lot of times too, and he is very moody with me. Once he called me a 'downer *****' because i said he was ditching me now that hes happy and when he had depresion i was always there but when im sad he ditches because hes happy....
Idk. That was all from a long time ago, but i feel like only now that i have kinda unblocked it from my mind i want to explode and tell him **** you and slap him...

also he complains and makes me feel bad for smoking pot, but gave me perscription drugs several times and told me they are safe and now i found out they can kill you way more easily than weed . Its hard for me to be totally mad at him though because hes usually very nice to me, been there a lot for me, tells me so much and trusts me..

回答 (2)

2012-08-17 10:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
In cases like this, the bad outweighs the good. From what I could understand from your post, he's manipulating you. Manipulative people often do good things to gain a person's confidence, but will resort to bad things as well. Yet that person will continue to stay because they keep referring back to the good things.

You need to move on. This guy is giving you drugs too, you should know better than being with this guy. Don't let your so-called feelings of "love" make you blind.
2012-08-17 5:46 pm
stay calm and you will find the way.

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