材 料 : 220 克糖
(4 個) 235 克牛油
130 克麵粉
8 隻雞蛋
2 隻蛋黃
700 克純朱古力
做 法 : (1) 用熱水座溶朱古力,加入牛油及糖拌勻。
(2) 雞蛋、蛋黃打勻加入已篩過的麵粉中攪拌均勻,再加入朱古力漿中拌勻,放入雪柜雪一夜。 (this is an important part!!! You need to put it into the refrigerator for A NIGHT in order to make it 流心 more easily!!! Although some people don't put it in the refrigerator for a night, they are actually using FREEZER. So better put that for a night. Trust me.)
(3) 取出朱古力粉糰,分成小份,放入杯模中按平,放入已預熱的焗爐焗至五成熟 (外層呈凝回狀),取出灑上糖霜即成。
備 註 : (1) 將粉糰放入焗爐中焗至五成熟,才能使內餡朱古力仍保持流質,因而以﹝心大軟﹞來命名,類似煎牛扒五成熟的程度。
Sina TV 有得睇整個 process,留意佢講 ge 野,因為內有教點解有 d 人會唔流心 or 不能做到外面脆內心有朱古力醬的效果