之前見工落選,人地話想keep 起我的record(用英文回

2012-08-18 4:52 am
之前見工落選, 人地話想keep 起我的record 2 年, 我宜家想答覆佢無問題, 我仲想答佢多謝佢比機會我見呢份工,如有職位適合我,我樂意賞試


Thank you for the time you spent in applying for employment with our xxxxxxx of Accounting & Administration Assistant.

We received many applications from many qualified candidates, which made the decission extremely difficult. Unfortunately, you were not the one selected this time.

However, we would like to ask you to let us keep your application on file in the coming two years.

In the meantime, we wish you every success in your future endeavors.

回答 (3)

2012-08-18 1:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Thank you for the time you spent in applying for employment with our xxxxxxx of Accounting & Administration Assistant.
We received many applications from many qualified candidates, which made the decision extremely difficult. Unfortunately, you were not the one selected this time.
However, we would like to ask you to let us keep your application on file in the coming two years.
In the meantime, we wish you every success in your future endeavors.
我宜家想答覆佢無問題, 我仲想答佢多謝佢比機會我見呢份工,如有職位適合我,我樂意賞試
A polite reply to the above email:

Thank you for your email. I am pleased that you will keep my application on file for two years as I am very keen to be working in your company. Please advise me when there is a vacancy that suits my experience and qualification.
Once again, thank you for granting me the job interview which was a very pleasant one.
Kind regards

2012-08-20 07:11:31 補充:
"Being polite" is a virtue.
2012-08-18 10:54 pm
2012-08-18 7:00 am
-----------------The Alternative--------------
Dear Sirs,
---------------------The Alternative-----------------
---------Thanks for informing me(-----),(-----) that you are not prepare to employ me in favour of someone else in Accounting&Administration Assistant.
---------As the alternative is to keep my application file(record) for two years,which in due course I have no problem,but I have the right to insist on re-consider of any suitable post with your jurisdiction.
---------I wish to thank you for giving me the opportunity of the said interview and a future endeavour,and would consider me again if a suitable opportunity arises.
-------------------------------------------Yours faithfully,

2012-08-18 11:25:17 補充:
would advise me if a job vacancy available.

2012-08-19 22:08:01 補充:
failed applicant!

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