chem problems (urgent)

2012-08-18 4:15 am
1. 'In a titration, the conical flask should be first washed with distilled water and
then with the reagent to be held.'
Why is this statement false? I know the no. of mole of the reagent in the flask is
not affected, but which part of this sentence is false?

2. Refers to the picture in the following link:
'The water solubility of Yis lower than that of X.'
Why is this true?

3. 'During the preparation ofsoap from vegetable oils, concentrated sodium chloride solution is used.'
'Concentrated sodiumchloride solution helps the precipitation of soap.'
Why are both statements true? Can some1 briefly explain the process to me?

4. To distinguish between cyclohexane and cyclohexene, the marking scheme of the problem I was doing mentions 'Mix cold acidified dilutepotassium permanganate solution with each compound separately.'
Why do we need to use cold KMnO4?

5. CO(g) + Cl2(g) <---> COCl2(g) ΔH < 0
Why does high pressure increase the rate of production of COCl2?

to 黑白灰_唯物主義者 : the problem states it's NaCl

回答 (2)

2012-08-22 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q3: Sure it is conc. NaCl? Or NaOH?

2012-08-22 13:44:13 補充:


Hope this help

2012-08-22 14:09:28 補充:
2012-08-25 7:58 pm
conc. NaCl sol. can "salt out" the dissolved soap to give precipitate, buy the "common ion" effect.
by adding a lot more sodium ion, the solubilities of the less-soluble sodium salts of fatty acids are reduced, making precipitation of them feasible.

2012-08-25 11:59:01 補充:
It should be quite well-known in experimental production of soap in lab. Read the book!

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