How about 8thManage ERP?

2012-08-17 9:42 pm
I will buy a ERP.

回答 (2)

2012-08-23 9:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
8thManage ERP includes client, project, inventory and supply management functionality and delivers real-time integrated data to multiple user groups in the format that each group or individual wants to see. This modern ERP is browser-based; it is constructed on a common platform for different types of users (e.g., sales reps, engineering manager, inventory controller); it supports different internal and external groups, permitting them to work together; and still serves as a traditional management tool for the controllers. All information is captured, based on transactions (the approach is similar to ATM or modern trading systems) and information is more traceable and reliable. For financial accounting, besides Order, Inventory, AP, AR, Fixed Asset, Payroll sub-ledgers, 8thManage also provides contract accounting and project accounting sub-ledgers. For business monitoring and management, 8thManage provides an enterprise business map, to allow users to view real-time aggregated data at the enterprise level and gives the users the ability to drill down multiple levels in real-time to ensure what you see is real and accurate.
2012-08-18 4:55 pm
請你在知識+內分類下面橫向的長方格內輸入 " 公司的ERP唔好用,要換個新的,唔知邊個好?", 然後按右方的知識搜尋, 內裡的文字是介紹 ERP 此軟件的資料, 你可以用作參考的.

我認為比較複雜性的軟件其 control 性是比較強的, 適宜在大機構使用, 因為人手充足, 如果是屬於小/中型公司, 會計人手只得1-2人, 你需要考慮清楚是否適合公司使用了.

2012-08-20 08:07:58 補充:
請你在知識+內分類下面橫向的長方格內輸入 公司的ERP唔好用,要換個新的,唔知邊個好?", 然後按右方的知識搜尋

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