✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) However, some people say that 4 Alevel subjects are required (or way better than only 3 subjects) to enter LSE.
Is it true?
>> 唔係, 佢min requirement 係3個gce, 只要你3個既gce 入面, 係冇chinese, 而且佢地係同你想係大學讀既科係有關既話, 就可以了 [[ie. 如果你想係lse 讀econ, 就唔好drop econ]]
2) Anyone from LSE has experienced this question?
>> 我自己就唔係lse, 不過就係另一間london uni [[係呢度唔開名了]], 但我都係得3個gce, 大學果邊都有俾offer 我, 所以唔駛擔心, 但就預左, 佢地會restrict 左你要讀咩科既, 即係好似如果你最後係讀phy, chem, maths, 咁佢地個offer 就可能會要你phy 拎a, chem 拎a, maths 拎b 等等, 係restrict 左既, 記係, general studies 都係唔計架!
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
2012-08-17 20:51:55 補充:
>> 我唔係lse, 但係係另一間同lse 同等既london uni.
另外,lse require ge IELTS成績係咪要全部科都要7或以上,定係overall 7 就得架la?
>> 最好aim overall7, 因為其實如果你有溫既話, 要score 到7應該唔難既.
2012-08-19 01:23:36 補充:
如果佢冇specificly 講明係逐個module 同你計既話, 咁只要overall 7就可以了. 但要留意番係幾時考, 會唔會過期. 以我所知, 今年好多人收到既offer, ielts 都係require overall 成績, 只係有一d 科, 好似law 果d 咁, 就要求個個modules 都高過某一個分. 但今年既standard 同下年都唔一樣, 所以呢個只可能作參考.