同我睇下有咩錯 eng quick 20 marks!!!

2012-08-16 8:22 pm

Put the correct article ,"a","an" or "the" in the space.If no article is Need ,put an "X"
(______) inside the word is an ans
1)._____ exercise(the)
2)._____ vase(a)
3)._____ heir(X)
4)._____ Philippines(the)
5)._____ South China Morning Post(the)
6)._____ school(a)
7)._____ x-ray(X)
8)._____ singgapore(the)
9)._____ sick man(a)
10)._____ honest woman(a)
11)._____ Asia Magazine(the)
12)._____ oxygen(the)
13).stay in____ beg(the)
14).go to _____ church(the)
15)._____ Father's Day(X)
16)._____ Robinson Road(a)
17)._____ accident(an)
18)._____ one-dollar note(X)
19)._____ amusing story(an)
20).play____ flute(the)

回答 (5)

2012-08-16 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)._____ exercise(an) [應該不是the,因為exercise本身沒有唯一的必然性,如果指一種運動/習作應該用an.
2)._____ vase(a) [correct]
3)._____ heir(the) [不是x,因為凡說後裔(單數),一般都指唯一的那一個!當然an heir亦會出現-任何一個後裔/遺產承繼人…]
4)._____ Philippines(the) [correct]
5)._____ South China Morning Post(x) [scmp本身已經是一個名稱,就如你的姓名是不需要注名唯一的the.]
6)._____ school(a) [correct]
7)._____ x-ray(X) [correct]
8)._____ singgapore(x) [一個地名國家名如果是單一單位是不用article的 – China就可以了,如果讀或寫成the china聽出來便是指瓷器了。]
9)._____ sick man(a) [correct]
10)._____ honest woman(an) [honest的讀音是on-nest是vowel音開始的,所以要用an這個配合vowel的article – 語文的音詞的組合,不單單是字母]
11)._____ Asia Magazine(x) [同上scmp – 應該不用article的]
12)._____ oxygen(x) [oxygen本身已經是唯一的物質,沒有其他的眾多oxygen你要注明那/某一oxygen的]
13).stay in____ beg(the) [beg???? 如果是bag(袋)就用the,但如果是bed(床)則不用x]
14).go to _____ church(x) [go to church是一個慣用phrase,不用注明特定/指定的church.因為表達的是一項活動而不是描寫點解去教堂/去甚麼教堂/怎樣去教堂]
15)._____ Father's Day(X) [correct]
16)._____ Robinson Road(x) [專有名稱-沒有別的很多羅便臣道要the出這一條…]
17)._____ accident(an) [correct]
18)._____ one-dollar note(a) [ 一蚊紙(美金才有吧)不是獨一無二的,所以必定要一張。]
19)._____ amusing story(an) [correct]
20).play____ flute(the) [correct]
2012-08-17 9:57 am
Put the correct article ,"a","an" or "the" in the space.If no article is Need ,put an "X"
In ( ) are your answer

1).___The__ exercise(the)
2).___A__ vase(a)
3).___The__ heir(X)
4).__The___ Philippines(the)
5).___The__ South China Morning Post(the)
6).___A__ school(a)
7).___X__ x-ray(X)
8).___X__ singgapore(the)
9).___A__ sick man(a)
10).__A___ honest woman(a)
11).__The___ Asia Magazine(the)
12).__X__ oxygen(the)
13).stay in__the__ beg(the)
14).go to ___a__ church(the)
15).__X___ Father's Day(X)
16).__X___ Robinson Road(a)
17).__An___ accident(an)
18).__X___ one-dollar note(X)
19).__An___ amusing story(an)
20).play__the__ flute(the)

Please be careful for your lettor!
I hope these answer can help you! \(^v^)/
參考: myself
2012-08-17 3:26 am
1).an exercise
2).a vase
3).an/X heir
4).the Philippines
5).the South China Morning Post
6).a school
7).an x-ray
8).X Singapore
9).a sick man
10).an honest woman
11).the Asia Magazine
12).X oxygen
13).stay in the bed
14).go to the church
15).X Father's Day
16).the Robinson Road
17).an accident
18).a one-dollar note
19).an amusing story
20).play a flute
Conditions to use an:
1) the spelling of the word starts with a, e, i, o or u
2) the pronunciation of the word starts with a, e, i, o or u
參考: me
2012-08-16 9:05 pm
8) X (地名無the)
10) an (Honest是要用an)
14) X (church是n.同埋指明, 吾駛the/a)
16) X (地名無a)
18) a (note是要 a)
參考: myself + google
2012-08-16 8:52 pm
Eng quick,
"An"is used before vowel sounds.
(10)an honest---
(13)the bag
(14)no the for "church"
(16)no a in "the" Robinson road
參考: google

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