Serious help with a wreck and insurance claim?

2012-08-16 12:34 am
So this is my story my car is under my name but my insurance is under my mom and Dads name and no I'm not on the insurance because I'm 20 and its way too expensive. Now a couple of days ago i hit a car. I was backing out from my moms drive way and didn't see the car and i hit it on the side it wasn't nothing major just paint scratches! So the police came filed the accident report but didn't give me a ticket or the other diver. I believe he said he wasn't going to give me a ticket because it wasn't all my fault. (i been stressing over this that i kinda forgot what he said) but my mom was with me when i was driving and my mother was the passenger. Now I'm question is what going to happen? Do i have to pay out of pocket his damages or will the insurance cover it? I have Everest if it helps

回答 (6)

2012-08-16 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
If your name isn't on the insurance policy, then you're not insured. And if you're not insured, the insurance policy won't pay anything. That's the whole point of having insurance, and it IS expensive.

Don't think you said if the car you hit was parked or was moving, or at least if there was a driver in it, but (especislly if the other car was legally parked) I don't see how this accident could be anything but 100% your fault? Be glad you didn't get a ticket for not having insurance!
參考: Life experience
2014-08-13 11:18 am
difficult task look into on yahoo this might help
2012-08-16 6:16 am
and the better part of all this at the moment is....was the ins company told of the incident

and is now a matter of record....? wonder how such wasnt your fault? you struck another

vehicle/they didnt hit you....

hopefully the carrier hasnt been told of this cuz your name will now be recorded in records

and will become part of your record when going to get insurance since you re present an

exposure to them in the future as well as a problem driver...if there's no recording of it w/them

there might be with the other guys if he told them of it. Your best bet is hopefully paying for

it and keeping it all off of all books..... and who is everest?
2012-08-16 4:11 am
You have to pay out of pocket. Insurance does not cover an accident caused by someone who (1) lives in the same household as the owner, and (2) is not on the insurance.
2012-08-16 2:36 am
We don't know if your insurance will pay for it or not.

All depends on how your policy reads. Some policies specifically deny coverage for people not listed on the policy.

But that's what happens when you commit insurance fraud. Which is what you are doing. The car is provided for your regular use and you are not listed on the policy = insurance fraud.

And yes, the accident is your fault. You were backing out of a drive way and hit a car traveling down the street. You have to yield to the traffic in the street. The cop cut you a break by not giving you a ticket.
2012-08-16 12:42 am
depends on your insurance and if other driver
wants it fixed. so chill as u have no control
over what happens.
參考: been there

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