英文grammar問題 678

2012-08-16 1:53 am

1. Lawmakers are now concerned that the drop in MTR's earnings may be another reason to raise fares again next year.
問題: that 可否省略? 為什麼?

2.Some Hongkongers fear freedom of speech has suffered since the handover.
問題: 點解有2個動詞?

3. The government launched an inspection of Shenyang stores in June, as the northeastern city prepares to host next year's 12th Nation Games - which mainland media said has appeared to stretch the city's treasury thin.
問題: said has appeared 係咩句型?

4. The city has grown, the population has grown, so what previously did not matter, matters now.
問題:有無錯grammar? 應否加conj.在comma後?

5. It is no good officials continue to blame cross-border air pollution because the main culprit is roadside pollution.
問題: 有無錯grammar? 應否是continuing?

6. If we pause to take a look back, we will find that schools have been offering moral and ethical education as well as civic and general studies since - no, since before - I went to school in the 1950s and 1960s.
問題: "no, since before" 咁樣插入去, 有無錯grammar? 點解?

回答 (4)

2012-08-16 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q 1, 2, 5:
都係有冇食左個that 嘅分別, 但食唔食都同樣地常見
1) Lawmakers are now concerned (that) the drop in MTR's earnings may be another reason to raise fares again next year.
2) Some Hongkongers fear (that) freedom of speech has suffered since the handover.
5) It is no good (that) officials continue to blame cross-border air pollution because the main culprit is roadside pollution.
好多case 都係 (that) + clause
e.g. We are worried (that) the surgery goes wrong.
e.g. The police feared (that) the robbers would kill all the witnesses.
e.g. It is fine (that) you take photos in the museum.
e.g. She is so irritated (that) nothing can calm her down.
e.g. (Tht fact) That she is doing well in school does not make her a good sister.

3) " - which mainland media said"只係補充, ignore咗之後句句子仍然啱:
...next year's 12th Nation Games - which (mainland media said) has appeared to strectch the city's treasury thin.
/用兩個comma 作補充(i.e. ", mainland media said,")亦非常常見:
... the northeastern city prepares to host next year's 12th Nation Games, which, mainland media said, has appeared to strectch the city's treasury thin.
e.g. The girl next to John is, if I remember correctly, Bella.

4) 我唔知係唔係"standard English". D comma 似乎係跟個作者個口講乜而記錄低,讀出嚟冇問題(反而加conj.讀起來冇咁鏗鏘), 寫出嚟咁樣會好d:
The city has grown. The population has grown. So what previously did not matter matters now.
e.g. What I fear to see has come true.
e.g. What happened had happened.

6) ...schools have been offering moral and ethical education as well as civic and general studies since - no, since before - I went to school in the 1950s and 1960s.
我唔知係唔係"standard English" --似乎個作者都幾鍾意我手寫我口-- 兩個" - " 有補充&強調嘅效果,同兩個comma 差唔多。呢度係想強調呀作者50年代讀書嗰陣 *經已* 有嗰幾科
i.e.The girl next to John is - if i remember correctly - Bella. (寫出來嘅話就感覺到強調左"我嘅記性"--可能因為"我嘅記性"出曬名非常差, 驚人誤信我, 事先講明報定案, d 人認錯Bella 都入唔到佢數咁解。)

2012-08-17 02:14:42 補充:
4) 唔知你"啱grammar"嘅準則--legal documents/出版社/ A in written exams/ successful communication/ etc.
on parallelism: 唔知有冇誤解你—
係有parallelism 要";" (我都見識淺印象中只閃過呢句) It doesn’t matter where you come from; it doesn’t matter what you look like; it doesn’t matter what faith you worship.

2012-08-17 02:39:07 補充:
sorry tried to post a few hyperlink for my 意見a few times but is 違規=.=
the sentence is from a transcript of "Remarks by the President on Comprehensive Immigration Reform in El Paso, Texas"

2012-08-17 02:48:47 補充:
parallelism 好多都冇洗用";" 自行search

2012-08-18 00:47:29 補充:
…哈 (續)
4) 以我三腳猫功夫我不會disprove作者的文法(尤其不理解意義何在)
但唔執著嗰句, 咁必定啱:
The city has grown and population expanded. What previously didn't matter matters now.
咁好明顯地我又唔係回答緊你的文法正確的問題, 編輯俾佢出街咪是鬼旦lor, 定係你想dui lump編輯個位/有grammar潔癖?no offense sorry,離題sorry... 咁我睇得窄,當篇野係proof-reading,覺得有千千萬萬種alternative 去砌好句好文

2012-08-18 00:48:03 補充:
6) “no”在”no – since before” 唔係adv, 根據oxford dictionary: “no” as a neg adv: used before comparative adjs and advs)e.g. It’s no worse than the last exercise.
呢句唔係輕率打出來, 係抄足字典—咁當然亦答唔足你想問嘅野啦。

想問你要證明幾句句子grammar嘅係為?? 透明d可能討論空間大d?
2012-08-16 6:32 am
I regret to advise you that after explanatory remarks,help yourself to interpret.And don't wait for my amendment to responses.
(1)that used as a relative pronoun,not adverb, objective case,because nominative case=Lawmakers---
(2)has suffered=present perfect tense=suffer since 1997!
(3)said"has appeared---"=have(has) is used to form the Perfect Tenses=has seemed to use all the money.
(4)The "so"group, as a conjunction suggests consequence:-=so (the city) matters now.
(5)continue=verb,present tense(continues)refer to "It is no good";
(6)since=always use in present perfect tense eg:-since before=before 1950,
no since before=even before 1950; for emphasize purpose,an adverb phrase.

2012-08-15 22:38:22 補充:
(6)...civic and general studies since before I went to school in 1950s=has more bland results.
2012-08-16 6:18 am
1. Lawmakers are now concerned that the drop in MTR's earnings may be another reason to raise fares again next year.
問題: that 可否省略? 為什麼?

2.Some Hongkongers fear freedom of speech has suffered since the handover.
問題: 點解有2個動詞?
Some Hongkongers fear that freedom of speech has suffered since the handover.

3. The government launched an inspection of Shenyang stores in June, as the northeastern city prepares to host next year's 12th Nation Games - which mainland media said has appeared to stretch the city's treasury thin.
問題: said has appeared 係咩句型?
mainland media said - 是一個noun phrase當成是一個主詞
has appeared是動詞

4. The city has grown, the population has grown, so what previously did not matter, matters now.
問題:有無錯grammar? 應否加conj.在comma後?
so 後不用comma,

5. It is no good officials continue to blame cross-border air pollution because the main culprit is roadside pollution.
問題: 有無錯grammar? 應否是continuing?
it is no good是一組phrase
to blame...pollution是object
because是解釋為何no good
因為the main culprit is roadside pollution.

6. If we pause to take a look back, we will find that schools have been offering moral and ethical education as well as civic and general studies since - no, since before - I went to school in the 1950s and 1960s.
問題: "no, since before" 咁樣插入去, 有無錯grammar? 點解?
冇錯的。其實他只是附註那個since字,他想表達不只是since i went to school...1950...而是1950年前的since before已經,用了- xxxx -夾住來附註是通行的,用以加強效果和比較像在跟你談話(講講吓補充多點感受)。其實用一句來寫亦可以....civic and general since before I went to school in the 1950s and 1960s.但效果就平淡多了。
2012-08-16 4:00 am
1. that是助詞囉

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