✔ 最佳答案
認受性方面一定是local degree好過oversea degree
part time top up local business degree只有polyu speed和ouhk兩間
兩間中以polyu speed好D
Bachelor of Arts Scheme in Business
商業文學士組合課程10 Sep 2012Open
A) Qualification & Recognition1. Does PolyU recognise PolyU SPEED academic award?Both PolyU award and PolyU SPEED award are granted by PolyU Senate. In principle, SPEED cannot grant any award on its own. Therefore, PolyU SPEED award is recognised by PolyU. 2. Will there be any difference between the parchment of PolyU award and that of PolyU SPEED award?The parchment of PolyU SPEED award contains the PolyU logo only (without
SPEED logo) while the full English name of PolyU and SPEED will also be printed. 3. What is the difference between “ordinary degree” and “honours degree”? Under the traditional British university system, "honours degree" programmes are undergraduate degree programmes which generally require a graduation dissertation. In the USA, universities do NOT offer "honours degree" programmes. All university students are studying on four-year ordinary degree programmes. In Australia, students normally enrol on three-year ordinary degree programmes. Those with excellent academic performance are invited by universities to enrol on "honours degree" programmes, which are designed as research-based programmes for preparing students to pursue study in MPhil/ PhD. 4. Does HKSAR Government recognise PolyU SPEED degree? In the previous years, there were PolyU SPEED degree graduates employed by the HKSAR Government on positions requiring a recognised degree. All PolyU SPEED top-up degree programmes have been listed in the Qualification Register (QR) at Level 5 (Bachelor’s Degree level).