south china morning post問題 20分

2012-08-15 5:38 am

13/8 2012

Games surpass all expectation

By the closing ceremony,the host nation would have been justified in changing that to "generations",after its team surpassed all expectations by coming third only to the US and China with 29 gold medals.

(that to "generations")

Though unable to maintain its gold-metal advantage at the Beijiang Games,China too came away with inspiration from its most sucessful Olympics on foreign soil.

(Though unable to maintain its gold-metal advantage at the Beijiang Games)


Nor does it signal a triumph of the American way.

英文好差盡量解得詳細D THZ -.-""

回答 (3)

2012-08-15 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 呢度點解中間有個to?
changing that to "generations"
=> changing ["generation"] to "generations"
=> changing sth to sth
e.g. I changed my anwser (from choice A) to choice B.

Q: 求解釋
maintain its gold-metal advantage= 保持佢[拎]金牌嘅優勢
unable to maintain its gold-metal advantage at the Beijiang Games=唔能夠保持佢喺北京奧運奪金嘅優勢

came away= 脫離
came away with inspiration= 和啟發一同歸來
came away from its most sucessful Olympics= 由 佢最成功嘅奧運 歸來 (咁當然你會發現唔乎合事實, so ↓)
its most sucessful Olympics on foreign soil
喺外國土地上 佢最成功嘅奧運

全句Though unable to maintain its gold-metal advantage at the Beijiang Games,
China (too) came away with inspiration from its most sucessful Olympics on foreign soil.
但係佢喺家鄕以外嘅奧運場地比賽, 今次係叫攞最多金, 而佢亦喺今次奧運都帶埋啟發返來。(個"too" 係指:中國同英國都同樣....<----睇前文, 筆者認為英國啟發好多代人)

Q: 點解個subject可以唔見左既?
我唔知點解 --- 或者咁問 :
Q: "Though"呢句subject唔見咗都得?! 俾多d例子?!
Though not reaching his own goal, Michael's coach was very satisfied with his performance.
Though not yet proved guilty, Andy is losing thousands of fans due to the rumour.
Though unable to speak, Granny expressed her love to us through her eyes.
Though shocked to know Jamie and Jason are getting married, I managed not to go mad.

Disappointed by her exam results, Mary cried.
Knowing that she likes someone else, I couldn't sleep.
Though disappointed by her exam results, Mary didn't cry.
Though having known that she likes someone else, I could sleep very well.

Q: 求解釋
China's second place in the final medals table does not signal a setback to its sporting ascent. [...] Nor does it signal a triumph of the American way.
... does not (signal)..., nor does it (signal)...
...不(表示)...., 亦不(表示)....
a triumph of the American way = 美國(條路)(<---um, "way"當係形象化嘅比喻,冇乜特別作用)嘅勝利
e.g. Granny's death didn't make me weak, nor did it stop me from my normal life. I grew stronger and tougher.
e.g. TVB does not inspire me, nor does it surprise anyone. (i.e. TVB does not inspire me or surprise anyone.)
2012-08-15 9:47 pm
原文是games surpass all expectation作者說可以把expectation改為generations – 意思是這屆倫奧是超越以往英國的世代[原文是超越期望],因為英文以主辦國在奬牌榜上排第三,是從來(英國一供辦了三次奧運的歷史以來)沒有出現過的。你要加埋這些文章內沒有明說的背景來讀才會明白,亦說明讀報除了本身英文外,還要學識集思和記錄每件事的不同角度和附屬關係。
Though unable to maintain its gold-metal advantage at the Beijing Games,China too came away with inspiration from its most successful Olympics on foreign soil.

(Though unable to maintain its gold-metal advantage at the Beijing Games)雖然?未能保持在京奧(所得)的金牌優勢,?=China [英文的倒裝法在因果的句式中把subject放在後半句開始]


Nor does it signal a triumph of the American way.
又一句睇唔明..........求解釋 亦沒有(nor是反面的連接)顯現(signal)美國方式(Ameraican way)的優越性(triumph) 這句意思暗示是說「雖然美國金牌榜第一」英國雖然只得第三,但在閉幕上英國(的特色表現)沒有被美國奬牌的得勝而尊美(或顯出美強英弱)。
2012-08-15 8:41 am
The motto of the London Olympic Games was "inspire a generation".

Change (A) to (B) : 更改(A)變為(B)
changing that to "generations" = changing the motto from "a generation" (一代) to "generations" (世世代代)

Though (China was) unable to maintain its gold-medal advantage at the Beijing Games, China too came away with inspiration from its most successful Olympics on foreign soil.

The subject of the above sentence is "China", which appears in the main clause but is left out in the adverbial clause introducing by the conjunction "though".

Nor does it signal a triumph of the American way.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:04:25
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