EnG數學 轉中文係咩意思?

2012-08-15 1:58 am
1. integer
2. difference
3. sybtracted from
4. minus
5. fraction
6. multiplied
7. variables
8. times
9. substite
10. product
11. divided by
12. original
13. present,current
14. positive number
15. negative number
16. reduces
17. amount
18. evaluate
19.solve equation
20. simplify
21. unknown


回答 (2)

2012-08-15 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案


1. integer 整數 (例: 1, 2, 9, 51...) (反例: 0.51, 6.49. 73.2...)
2. difference 相差
3. sybtracted from 從...減去 (例: b subtracted from a ==> a - b)
4. minus 減去 (例: a minus b ==> a - b)
5. fraction 分數
6. multiplied 乘
7. variables 變量 (以上例子中的"a"和"b"就是variables,可代入不同數值來得到不同結果)
8. times 乘
9. substite [[應該是"substitute"]] 代入 (例: substitute 10 into a ==> a被設定為10)
10. product 積 (例: the product of 4 and 8 is equal to 32)
11. divided by 被...除 (例: a divided by b ==> a ÷ b)
12. original 原本的
13. present,current 現在的
14. positive number 正數 [i.e. 任何大於零的數] (例: 0.123, 12, 45.9...)
15. negative number 負數 [i.e. 任何小於零的數] (例: -0.123, -12, -45.9...)
16. reduces 減少
17. amount 總數
18. evaluate 求...的數值 (例: evaluate a for 4a = 40 ==> 答案: a = 10)
19.solve equation 解方程式 (例: solve the equation for 4a = 40 ==> 答案: a = 10)
20. simplify 簡化
21. unknown 未知數 (例: "4a = 40"中的a為未知數,你需要尋找其數值)
參考: 我 (有錯請指出)
2012-08-15 3:51 pm
1. integer---a real number which has no decimal places 整數
2. difference---the number which can found by a-b 差
3. subtracted from---to take away a number a from another number b 由a減b
4. minus---a-b 減
5. fraction---a number represented by a denominator(分母) and a numerator(分子) 分數
6. multiplied---axb 乘
7. variables---the unknown in a formula or a function(函數) 變數
8. times---multiplied 乘
9. substitute---to put a value into the formula to find out the output 代入
10. product---answer of axb 積
11. divided by----to divide a number a by another number b 被除
12. original---initial 最初
13. present,current---now 現在
14. positive number---a number greater than 0 正數
15. negative number---a number smaller than 0 負數
16. reduces---minus 減少
17. amount---number of things 數量
18. evaluate---to find the exact value without using the calculator 求值
19.solve equation---to find the unknown in the equation by changing subjects(移公式主項) 解方程
20. simplify---to make things simple 簡化
21. unknown---a number represented by a letter to indicate that you don't know its exact value 未知數
參考: me

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