
2012-08-14 5:28 pm
我係澳洲讀緊書, 個passport就快到期, 但係我12月返香港之後隔幾日可能會去旅行, 想問下有冇人知如果我臨返香港幾個星期前網上申請定, 之後一返香港即刻去入境處拎, 咁既做法有冇問題, 定係真係要去澳洲既中國領事館先可以? 因為如果呢個方法work, 我唔係太想專登去領事館攪.

THX for helping!!!

回答 (2)

2012-08-14 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your method works, providing:

1. You have enough time for Immigration Department to process your request.

(Remember December is a travel season.)

2. Your application does not have any deficiencies that can prevent the Immigration Department to issue you the passport.
2012-08-15 4:31 am

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