English translation

2012-08-14 2:10 pm
can anyone help me to translation ? thanks !!!

因安全理由, 現通知閣下近走火通道位置的儲物櫃將暫停使用, 而原本的儲物櫃使用者將會被編排到近門口位置的新儲物櫃, 不便之處, 敬請原諒!


回答 (6)

2012-08-15 1:37 pm
Regarding suspension of use for the Storage Cabinet near the Fire Exit
Owing to Security reasons, the use of storage cabinet near the Fire Exit have to be suspended and the new storage cabinets which are located near the front door, will be arranged for use by the respective users. In addition, arrangement will be made this week to dispatch the notice to users to get the new keys and also for returning the old keys.
2012-08-14 8:12 pm
Nearly escape the channel location of the lockers will be suspended for safety reasons, it is to inform you that the original lockers, users will be arranged near the entrance location of the new lockers, inconvenience, please forgive me!

Colleagues this week to arrange the distribution of the Son, and recovery issues of the lockers Key
2012-08-14 8:01 pm
For security reasons, has now inform you near escape the locker will be suspended, the original locker users will be invited to a location near the door of the new locker, inconvenience, please accept our apologies!Colleagues will cause it to locker keys available this week and recycling matters
2012-08-14 4:21 pm
Due to safety reasons, the lockers that located near the emergency exit will be moved away. New lockers will be arranged near the main entrance.

Colleague will collect the old lockers key and distribute the new keys later this week. Thank you!

Apologize for any inconvenience tjhat it may caused.
參考: self
2012-08-14 4:19 pm
For safety reasons, you are informed that the use of lockers near the fire exit will be suspended, while users of those lockers will be arranged to use new lockers near the door. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Our staff will arrange the distribution and the recycling of keys of lockers.
參考: me
2012-08-14 2:49 pm
Due to some safety reasons, the lockers near the escape route would be temporarily suspended. Please use the new lockers located near the exit for now. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We will arrange new locker keys distribution and old keys return later this week. Thank you. (or New locker keys distribution and old keys return will be arranged within this week. Please see further notice (請留意通知). Thank you.)

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