Why do hard saturn aspects in synastry create such a strong bond and separation?

2012-08-13 11:29 pm
Aspects like saturn conjunct moon, saturn conjunct sun, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus etc. I read there may be some kind of separation between the two individuals with some saturn aspects, why? I'm also wondering what makes people stick it out so long when saturn is such a downer. saturn can be so parental, controlling, critical, cold, and they want to limit your growth sometimes so they can possess you :( when you try to break free they won't let you because they make you feel like you "owe" them something. It seems like you can dish out a lot of harsh things to each other, say some pretty cruel stuff, and you keep coming back to each other. Is it that saturn aspects like these make people consciously or subconsciously feel like they "need" each other?

And once the relationship ends, the bond takes a long time to completely break. I don't think saturn misses the other person very much, but the planet person misses saturn like hell.... why? why do saturn aspects create such a strong bond? Is the bond only strong and difficult to break when you have 2 or more "hard" aspects to the sun, moon, venus, or ascendant, or can one saturn aspect act as super glue? Thanks a ton.

回答 (1)

2012-08-14 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Saturn in the horoscope shows where the greatest challenges are to be found, and the hardest lessons learned. This planet shows where rigid systems restrict growth.

Saturn's House position shows where specifically you will experience the greatest challenges and limitations. This is an area which will absorb much of your time. No matter how hard you try to avoid commitment in this area, you will be forced by circumstances to overcome your fears and become an expert in the field indicated.

Aspects to Saturn show areas of the personality where you will feel a lack of confidence. In these areas you will be shy, repressed, desperate for recognition, frustrated. Normally you will build up self-reliance and independence in the part of your character Saturn affects after around 30 years.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:04:38
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