What can I get my dad for his birthday?

2012-08-12 12:46 pm
I'm struggling!!! His birthday is the 23rd August, but I will be at Leeds festival, so I won't see him... I don't live with my dad & don't see him often. For Xmas & Fathers day I got him a Lacoste polo shirt, he loves polo shirts, but I don't really want to get him another. He loves music, and his favourite band is the Clash. He coaches football, & supports Sheffield United but is not a massive fan (so nothing really to do with football). He will be 46.

回答 (6)

2012-08-14 5:59 am
send him an amazon card

or a wallet

a keychain




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2012-08-13 3:01 am
a football coac must like football shirt.a England shirt must be suit for him.
2012-08-12 1:12 pm
eBay voucher
2012-08-12 1:06 pm
you could get him a voucher for his favourite shop or ask him what he wants. or you could take him out for a nice meal. hope this helps! answer mine please! xx
2012-08-12 12:55 pm
Phone him on the day from your mobile, leave a birthday message if u cant speak in person, its always nice to hear someones voice. Post a birthday card, and voucher for CDs so he can choose. Happy Festival hope the sun shines.
2012-08-12 12:50 pm
A collection of CD's of The Clash and a baseball cap.

Sorry, I ran out of ideas after the Collection of CD's. Hope this helps :)

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