與 culinary 相關的詞

2012-08-13 5:47 am
有否與 culinary相關的名詞、動詞和副詞?

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2012-08-14 12:21 am
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culinary 源於拉丁文culin(kitchen 廚房 ),意思是of the kitchen(廚房的), of the cookery(廚藝的),例:culinary culture(飲食文化)
與 culinary相關的名詞-culinarian(cook廚師)
與 culinary相關的 動詞-沒有
與 culinary相關的 副詞 -culinarily

2012-08-14 06:36:54 補充:
cul·in·ate 非字典的創新動詞,意思
1 to live better by eating better 2 to consider health, the environment and community when deciding what to eat 3 to integrate and enrich one’s day-to-day experience through food—from farm, to market, to kitchen, to table
2012-08-13 8:35 am
Cuisine,noun:-cooking:-eg:-Mexico cuisine is gd.
Culinary,adj--eg:-culinary skill
------------n-----eg:-practice with cooking
------------v.-----eg:-culine the cooking with food of Mexico.
------------adv,---(no adv.Look up from the dictionary!)
-----------------adj,----eg:-gournet food.
參考: google website
2012-08-13 7:01 am
Culinary=Adjective; it means of or relating to cookery;
Cookery=Noun; it means the art or practice of cooking;
Cook=Noun; it means one who prepares food for eating;
Cook=Verb;1)to prepare food for eating;2)to subject to heat or fire;--cooker,n.--cookware,n;
Cookout=Noun; it means an outing at which a meal is cooked and served in the open;
Cookbook=Noun; it means a book of cooking directions and recipes;
Cuisine=Noun; it means manner of cooking and also: the food so prepared;
Gourmet=Noun; it means a connoisseur in eating and drinking; or person who enjoys,and is expert in the choice of, good food, wine, etc.
參考: According to the new Merriam-Webster Dictionary1989 or The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current Eng.with Chin. Translation1975

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