為甚麼要教數學?太煩了 ! ! !

2012-08-13 2:44 am
太煩了 ! ! !
太煩了 ! ! !
太煩了 ! ! !
太煩了 ! ! !
太煩了 ! ! !
太煩了 ! ! !
太煩了 ! ! !

回答 (7)

2012-08-13 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mathematics is actually very useful in many aspects!
Arithmetic is useful for daily activities.
Statistics is useful for commercial activities.
Trigonometry is useful for engineering, navigating and map drawing.
Geometry is useful for practice of thinking.
Algebra is useful for setting up equations to solve problems.
Probability is useful for finding whether a certain event is reasonable or not.
Calculus is useful for economics and science.
In conclusion, mathematics brings a lot of benefits to you. If you don't learn mathematics, you will face a lot of problem in the future.

Some people say that mathematics is troublesome because they think memorizing formulae and theorems is difficult and they have to face a lot of numbers without knowing how to deal with them. Here are my suggestions:
1. Feel confident. (It is the most important!!)
2. Always try to simplify questions rather than making them complicated.
3. If you don't know how to do questions, look at the answers and try to think backwards.
4. Learn the principles behind formulae and theorems before memorizing them. Try to prove them yourselves and you will remember them faster.
5. Try easy questions before trying very difficult questions.
6. If you face problems, ask people who are good at mathematics.
7. Read more books about mathematics. Read simpler books first.
If you follow these suggestions, you will find that mathematics is actually a really interesting subject .
參考: me
2012-08-26 11:04 pm
建議你去宏佳補習學社補Andy sir的數學專科班,因為佢係小班教學,師生比例1對7,能因材施教,佢每一堂都附有講義中英對照,每堂都先教完個topic,再比相關Topic 之練習操練,有學校數學唔明亦可即場解答,所有數學的煩腦就一掃而空,相當適合你報讀. 宏佳補習學社會係佐敦和太子都有分校,報讀佐敦新分校數學課程,仲有首期半價優惠呢! 詳情可致电補習社報名熱線查詢.

宏佳補習學社報名熱線(太子總校): 2392 3028

太子總校:九龍太子彌敦道749號歐亞銀行大廈8樓E室 (太子MTR C1出口鳳城酒樓側)

佐敦分校:九龍佐敦彌敦道204號遠東發展大廈4樓D室 (佐敦MTR D 出口轉左)
參考: 之前係宏佳補習學社補過的張同學
2012-08-21 4:19 pm
2012-08-21 3:08 am
2012-08-14 6:24 am
My comments:Don't worry,be happy and relax.:):):)
參考: Chloris
2012-08-13 2:58 am
I think Maths is not very important in the future !

So , I never pay attention in every Maths lessons!
2012-08-13 2:50 am

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