Need advice on baby shower etiquette?

2012-08-11 9:12 pm
I am hosting a baby shower for a godchild. I live out of town so I am coordinating a lot of stuff with the mom-to-be's mother. I have started shopping for the shower, buying prizes for games, etc. (The baby is not due until late December but the shower may be held by late October or mid-November.) The grandma-to-be wants me to clear everything with the mom-to-be. I thought the hostess got to make the decisions about the shower!? Of course I don't want to do anything that would offend or upset the guest of honor, but how much input should the mother have in planning the shower? Am I going to have to run every decision by her? She has already said she doesn't care about the theme of the shower. She is planning on having a "baby farm animals" theme for her nursery and that will be hard to find stuff to coordinate with.

回答 (5)

2012-08-11 9:14 pm
In reality the mother has no input. The baby shower is a gift not a requirement and you don't tell folks what to do when they are giving you something they don't have to.
2016-10-17 2:43 pm
basically ask a ascertain to throw one for you or basically muse faster or later how nice it would want to be to have a bath for this infant provided that there are such fairly some belongings you nevertheless choose. in case your mothers and fathers are some thing like mine, they are possibly death to assist out in besides achievable and can want to be of their glory in case you requested them to assist manage a bath. i imagine human beings prefer to get over the concept that soliciting for or having a 2d infant bathe is grasping or undesirable etiquette. it really is in evaluation to having a 2d (or third...etc) infant is any a lot less particular than having your first. some human beings are nevertheless very previous formed.
2012-08-11 11:52 pm
Mom gets input on date & time & guest list. That is all. Other than that anything else you run by her is your choice, but not at all expected.

I am totally baffled by "awkward moments" at showers that could have been avoided. I am nearing 40 & so far have never seen a single awkward moment at a shower. perhaps if someone is prone to drama in their life then planning a shower might be a bit more fraught with issues, but I can't imagine a reason there should be any weirdness at a shower. It's a pretty laid back event in general.
2012-08-11 9:31 pm
If you are the hostess, then you are the decision maker. That said, I've been to showers where very awkward situations could have been avoided by talking to the Mom-to-be.

Its possible Mom-to-be is experiencing some strong reactions to foods, or particular activities. Or she may be reacting to situations with an extra dose of emotion, so Grandma-to-be is trying to avoid surprises.

I would put together an quick email about your general plans. The theme, food, etc. Nothing too specific, but enough to give an idea. Then email Mom-to-be. You're not asking for permission, but looking for feedback that could help make the day extra special.
2012-08-11 9:30 pm
There is a line. Since you are hosting the shower in honor of the mother to be she should be completely comfortable with what will happen. You should not have to consult her about every detail, however, it would be wise to ask her who she wants invited (and if there is anyone who should not be invited). Also, she should ok the day and time of the shower. Beyond that, if she said she does not care what the theme is for the shower you should be good there... however you will want to ask at some point if it is a boy or a girl, if she wants that on the invitation, and also if they have a name picked out and whether or not they want the baby's name on the invitation.

Definitely ask her about food and games as well. I'm not saying consult her on every little detail, just get an idea from her what kinds of foods she would like to see (finger foods, meal, etc) and if there are any games she would really like to play or any that she would not want to have at the shower. For example, my cousin absolutely did not want to play the guess mom's waistline game at her shower and I didn't care.

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