
2012-08-11 4:22 pm
將望遠鏡對著1000米以外的 盛載大腸桿菌的培養皿,
同時將顯微鏡的 接物鏡 對準 望遠鏡的 接目鏡,
這樣能否成功將 大腸桿菌 的影像 顯微出來﹖

回答 (2)

2012-08-11 5:22 pm
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理論上是可以的, 其實原理同做微創手術一樣, 微創手術導入一條裝有鏡頭的導管放入人體內就可以觀察人體內的器官情況. 而用望遠鏡加顯微鏡來觀察遠方微細物件, 望遠鏡就好比導管, 而顯微鏡就是鏡頭. 只是望遠鏡沒有導管外層物料保護, 物像觀察時會受環境影響, 例如光線, 煙塵等. 影響觀察物的清晰度.
2012-08-12 9:37 pm
I don't think this would work.

The image formed by a telescope, depending on the position of the object, has range from the "least distance of distinct vision" (which is about 25 cm) to infinity. In other words, the closest distance from the eye-piece of the image in a telescope is 25 cm.

However, the object distance of a microscope is normally a few cm. Assume that the objective of the microscope is placed as close as possible to the eye-piece of the telscope, then the "object" seen by the microscope (which is the image of the telescope) is at least 25 cm away, that probably could not form a good final image.

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