50 Shades of Grey, is it worth reading?

2012-08-10 6:10 pm
Okay, so I didn't really understand what all the hype was about with these books. That was until last night when I was round my friends house and I read 2 random points from the second book, 50 Shades Darker. And wow. I kind of understand why there is so much hype.
I'm 16 and I'm in a long term relationship with my boyfriend, so I have sexual experience and know how the 'birds and the bees' work lets say. But I have never read a book of this genre before.
I've read online how 'it's poorly written' and 'repeats itself' etc.
So I ask, is it worth reading? I admit after reading from the 2 points in my friends book I couldn't stop thinking about it!
Personal opinions of the book will be helpful, good and bad. :-)

回答 (15)

2012-08-10 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm over 40. I've been married 23 years. To say that I've got sexual experience is an understatement. There is a freedom in a long term marriage that has allowed me to try many things that might've seemed sick or taboo in my youth. That said, I hated these books. They were silly and repetitive. The sex scenes bordered on the ridiculous. The characters were flat and the entire story was unbelievably predictable.

My 22 year old daughter thought they were interesting. Though she and her friends who've enjoyed the books are no longer virgins, they are not sexually experienced. It's a curiosity thing, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just don't hold these books up as a realistic representation of a BDSM relationship or even representative of erotica. They are neither.

I don't recommend that anyone read bad writing. If you're curious, try Surrender by Donna Storey and Rachel Bussel.
2012-08-10 6:24 pm
If you want to read erotica, this is the worst entry point in to the genre you could possibly choose. The sex is as tedious as reading about someone doing housework, the heroine has the intellect of a potato, and her lover is an abusive psychopath. Save your money and your good taste, choose something better.
2012-08-10 6:16 pm
If you want to read it, then read it. You don't need anyone's permission to do so, if you think you're mature enough to handle the subject matter. You know the basics of why some people don't care for it, so only you can decide if you don't like it. Just like you I read it because I was interested in seeing what all the hype was about. I was not fazed by any good/bad or otherwise reviews of the story or writing. You have a mind of your own as well, I'm assuming. So make your own decision.
2012-08-10 6:14 pm
The only person who can decide that is you. Some people will tell you it's great, and others will say it's badly written drivel.
2012-08-10 6:47 pm
Well in my own personal opinion I think it's not worth reading due to the fact that is poorly written, for me quite disturbing and is pretty much a porno version of twilight which should actually be counted as copyright fraud, unless she has stephanie meyers permission. In short, if I wanted to hear about a woman being taken away by a rich guy and being tied up and dominated and being put in pain just cause the guy enjoys it, i'll get a sick bucket and watch some bdsm on the internet, not read it in books, plus it makes me really upset to know that this kind of book has been rated one of the most read out there because there are some really good books in the world, legendary classics even, yet the people of our generation want to waste their time reading f@*ked up twilight clone porn when they could be gaining wisdom from people like shakespeare and edgar allen poe and reading amazing fictional stories from the brothers grimm rather than letting a bunch of 14 year olds and a bunch of middle aged mums read this smut! if my mum read this I would be horrified! This is my opinion, feel free to disagree but if more books like this turn up on best sellers I will be very dissapointed in my fellow human beings
2012-08-10 6:13 pm
Unless you like twilight and porn, no. It's erotic nonsense with quite disturbing scenes that are WAYYYYY Too intimate.
2012-08-10 6:13 pm

~Dr. B.~
2012-08-10 6:45 pm
I don't see what sexual experience has to do with reading a book. Just read the first chapter and decide for yourself if you like it. It's not a bomb, it won't hurt anybody to read.
2012-08-10 6:17 pm
well i think its a very interesting book, im busy with it and im 20 years old the book at the end is what you make of it and for me it has open so many doors for me and in the way im thinking..so if you think your up for it, ill say go ahead and enjoy it. :)
2017-03-04 6:09 am
when you are watching a television or movie it is very easy to get distracted and multi task, where reading a book, they have your full attention usually!
2017-01-31 2:15 pm
Reading a good publication provides a richer experience and can leave you with remembrances that will last years
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2012-08-14 6:54 am
It's not a good book for any age. They are very poorly written, with unrealistic sex scenes, unrealistic dialogue and asinine characters. Everything is repetitive, the sex, the facial expressions, the dialogue. It reads like a 13 year old boy's wet dream. If you like that sort of thing, I'd recommend The Story of O which is far superior.
2012-08-13 5:30 am
2012-08-12 10:39 pm
In my honest opinion i think its a brilliant and easy read for a book like this. I am halfway through the 3rd book and have been in love with the lives of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.

At first the sex in it was abit of a shock that it went into quite some detail but yes the sex is very repetitive and can actually get quite boring. The story itself however will get you sucked in.

My fav character is christian and from alot of my friends who have read the books we all love christian grey he is just so mysterious and sexy all at the same time. As for ana she can seem like a door mat alot of the time and i feel she doesn't stand up for herself as much as she should.

All in all i really think the books are worth the read
參考: Read them

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