What do you think of the names Edwina, Miranda, Jessica, Rebecca?

2012-08-10 5:53 pm
which name is the best? which name is the most mature and intelligent? thx

How about Alex for a girl?

回答 (9)

2012-08-10 6:04 pm
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Don't like Edwina, I love Jessica and Rebecca...

I've had a major crush on a girl named Miranda for a long time but that's probably the only thing I like about it.

I like Alex but personally I think Alexa is the perfect name if that's the direction you're heading in.
2012-08-10 5:55 pm
Rebecca sounds like the mature and intelligent name you are looking for. (Becca could be the not so mature nickname Haha)
參考: My Noggin :-)
2012-08-10 6:14 pm
They are all good names that a person could be proud to have as they grow up.
Any of them could reflect the qualities you mention.
Alex - sorry but, to me, it is a bit of a 'throw away name' - vague and non-committal like we couldn't think of anything more appropriate or meaningful.
The 'weakest'' sounding name from your list (apart from Alex) is probably Jessica.
These are just my opinions, with no more basis in reason that anyone else's
2012-08-10 6:12 pm
I like Jessica the best, than Rebecca.
2012-08-10 6:02 pm
Edwina is too old fashioned for my liking, but I like Miranda, Jessica and Rebecca.

For baby names, I would say Jessica and Rebecca are the best, as they are the most adaptable... they could go by Jess, Jessie, Jessica, Rebecca, Becky, Becca etc. So they can be for young cute babies and mature adults one day!
2012-08-10 5:58 pm
I like Rebecca the best! (And not just because it's my name ;)
2012-08-10 5:57 pm
All are good names to choose from. I met several Jessica's, Miranda's i knew were smart, Rebecca's make me think of an actress, & I never met any Edwina's.
2012-08-10 5:57 pm
Of those, I like Miranda.
I also like Alex for a girl, but I think it should be a nickname instead of her legal name, or some people might accidentally confuse her for a guy.
2012-08-10 5:55 pm
Personally, I don't like Edwina at all. I like Jessica & Rebecca the best!

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