laptop battery is draining fast?

2012-08-10 3:20 pm
hey guys, i just got a new laptop, the sony vaio to be exact. the website told me it would last 5 and a half hours. however after fully charging it the laptop display 3 hr and 16 min at 90% charged. 3 hr is way too little. does this mean that the battery is not working properly. can i return it ot the company and ask for a new one or something?

回答 (5)

2012-08-10 3:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes return it back.
2016-07-25 1:49 pm
What plenty of folks fail to realise is the authentic change between laptop computer systems and laptops. There was once a scarcity of communication when the arena used to be switching over to portable desktops. Lol basically, the way i like to explain what happened is like this: computer desktops will die, as soon as you unplug it. Laptops, must final a couple hours til it wants to be recharged. Well, except for the truth that computers can not run with out being plugged in considering of it having no battery, it would not even if it might be it can be so used to being plugged in, it would not be aware of what to do with a battery. Haha well with laptops, in case you have it plugged in at all times, I see it as if your educating your desktop that it's not a laptop, however a computing device... It adapts to what you're doing. While you get a new laptop, mobile, tablet, and so on.. The first thing you wish to have to do is charge it while it can be OFF, unless it's one hundred%, then flip it on til it's right about to die, cost it again, about 2-3 times.. Then just kinda preserve at it. Even supposing your now not strolling round your condo along with your laptop, unplug it each so ordinarily to let it drain. Remind it that it has a battery. And USE IT! A variety of people just go away their laptops plugged in, then the moment that charger is pulled, the whole thing is long past! That is for the reason that you overcharged the battery. You can have got to purchase a new one. The sucky section about it. When you care about your pc, do not buy a low-priced one from a overseas nation, buy a legit one. When getting a brand new battery, do because the previous paragraph said. ^_^
2012-08-10 3:31 pm
Normally when the say laptop would run for a certain amount of time this usually mean that the computer would be on power safe mode and must not be doing heavy processing (gaming, playing music etc), if you are doing heavy processing battery time will be reduce the battery. If your on power safe mode and not doing any heavy processing then you need to take it back.
2012-08-10 3:25 pm
you would be lucky if battery lasts an hour so as far as i am concerned the battery is perfect you just need to learn not to over charge it otherwise you would damage the battery in no time
2012-08-10 3:23 pm
You must.

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