請幫忙翻譯成英文, 急, 謝

2012-08-10 5:53 pm
請將我的樣辦與你們的樣辦并列放在一起,并照相給我, 因為我需要對比一下顏色, 謝

回答 (3)

2012-08-10 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English Translation

請將我的樣辦與你們的樣辦并列放在一起,并照相給我, 因為我需要對比一下顏色, 謝

Please put my sample and your sample side by side, and take a photograph of them for me as I need to compare their colour. Thank you.

2012-08-11 20:21:51 補充:
Correction: their--->the
Please put my sample and your sample side by side, and take a photograph of them for me as I need to compare the colour. Thank you.
2012-08-10 9:53 pm
To compare the 2 colors, kindly put together our 2 samples & take a shot for us. Thanks!

2012-08-10 7:46 pm
----Please arrange to put the articles together on my scale model with your scale model and take a photo ; as a comparative shade of color is necessary. THX

2012-08-10 18:09:09 補充:
2 color>2 sample>1 shot THX

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