英文問題(來自UE 2012) 高手入 詳解

2012-08-10 8:06 am
Armed with cheap video cameras and the internet, a generation of youngsters are growing up very publicly with online videos - and being failed by adults who are not paying proper attention to this new medium.

點解唔係very public?例如~i run very fast.

Youngsters are working out their relationship to the outside world and forging an identity."

working out係依句係點解~~?? 點解唔係working for?

with reference to 同according to有咩分別??例子?

回答 (3)

2012-08-11 5:37 am
I run very fast.
here: fast--->adv

work + out = 新意思, 自己查字典
2012-08-11 2:20 am
public is adj. and publicly is adv.
adj . is to describe object but adc. is to describe verb.

here, publicly is to describe growing which id verb.

i run very fast here obmit a word "can" ,,here, it use present tense mean it's the true, ius the same with " i can run very fast ".

it means 我可以跑得非常快,,but not 我很快地跑..

working out here means 想出
work out is a phase ,,sometimes english has to remember,, sometimes there is no solution 'why', but you can still ask
here, the meaning is youngsters finally has a solution about therir relationship,
for mean 為了, if you havr top write 'for' , meaning is different,, gramma is not wrong but the sentance it dose not make sense,,if you use for ,, the whole sentance means
青少年工作是為他們向外界的關係和偽造身份。 if use' work out' it means 青少年想出

'with reference to' 同'according to' both are conjunction
with reference to 比较serious
according to 比较 casual

with reference to the oxford dictionary , work out mean you got a solution.
accoding to my common sense, girls can't go into male's toilets.

with refernce to need to have some books, movies, etc. so that other can also find that thing you are referenceing to, but according to just conjuction so that to make the article more fluent..

anything don't understand , feel free to ask me again
hope to help you ^~^
參考: :)
2012-08-10 7:09 pm
(1)very publicly=very much to emphasize their work on online videos.
(2)working out=discussing,practicing their relationship to.
(3)---according to (prep)as stated or reported by something:-eg;-You have been failed many times according to their records.
------with reference to(v) to refer to something eg:-Which book does this reference come from?

2012-08-10 11:17:06 補充:
(2) eventually,
(3)w.r.t. the job interview,I failed.

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