Personal experiences with Saturn conjunct Moon in synastry?

2012-08-09 12:28 pm
did it force you both to mature? did you experience:
feeling like you need each other (for security)
saturn brings duties, responsibility, burden to the moon
binding attachment
age difference
saturn is protective of moon
saturn helps moon plan and build
moon is flexible with saturn
saturn is demanding, cool, indifferent at times
a physical separation of some kind
saturn is critical of the moon person
moon feels like they owe saturn something
you sense you can have a committed relationship from the start (not so casual)
saturn looks to moon for sympathy

回答 (2)

2012-08-09 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
OMG YES! Everytime that happens I wake up at a truck stop in Indiana, naked as a jay bird! When the sun revolves around Saturn in the binding ritual of the blood moon, I WIN THE LOTTERY EVERY TIME! My favorite, when Saturn and its rings melt together during the months of January thru March, also known as "Saturnius Capurnius", I mature, develop a drive for accountability in my life, and wear the physical burden of 5 morbidly obese women. I love astrological signs, they are so cool. Best part is that it works! Totally not hocus pocus!!! Yay!!!!!
2017-02-22 4:32 pm
Saturn Moon Synastry

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