passive voice? adjective?

2012-08-10 3:45 am
if i say that my remark has been rejected by my friends, can i say
#i am rejected to start a business#

be rejected
sounds like a passive voice and sometimes people saying this 'rejected' act as an adjective, so sounds like i support the idea of not starting a business.

which one is true and two of those meaning are completely difference? you know what i mean??

回答 (2)

2012-08-11 7:42 am
First, take note of some principle:
1. Only transitive verbs can have passive voice
2. Not every past participle of verb can act as an adjective
3. Normally, only verbs related to feeling can have their past participle act as an adjective, such as amazed, amused, annoyed, depressed, frightened, interested, relaxed, relieved, thrilled, etc.

Then, look up the word "reject" in the dictionary:
1. it is a transitive verb, so it can have passive voice; and its usage:
a. reject something (passive voice: something is rejected)
b. reject somebody (for a job and position)
e.g. I've been rejected by all the universities I applied to.
2. its past participle "rejected" cannot be used as an adjective

Finally, if your friends have rejected your remark (or, proposition) of starting a business, the passive voice should be:

My remark/proposition of starting a business has been rejected (by my friends).

It is wrong, in grammar and in meaning, to say:
I am rejected to start a business. (passive)
My friends reject me to start a business. (active)

2012-08-10 23:55:24 補充:
2. its past participle "rejected" cannot be used as predicative adjective, such as "I am rejected".
(But, it can be used as attributive adjective, such as rejected proposal, rejected tender...)
2012-08-10 9:49 pm
My remarks has been rejected.
I am rejected.
(1)Two functions of the past participle:-
----to form,with various parts of the verb to have, to be, the Perfect tenses eg:-
-----has been rejected---=rejected(adj) remarks
-----am rejected---=rejected (adj) me
(2)To form the passive voice,eg:-
----My remarks has been rejected.
----I am rejected.

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