Mathematics Questions

2012-08-10 1:51 am
1.L1:3x+7y-11=0 and L2:4x+3y-2=0 intersect at A. L3 passes through A and its y-intercept is -3
(a)Find the coordinates of A.
(b)Find the equation of L3 .
2.Simplify √3(2√3-√6)
3.Given that (5+√7)^2 = a+b√7 , find the value of a and the value of b .

回答 (2)

2012-08-10 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
L1 : 3x + 7y - 11 = 0 ...... [1]
L2 : 4x + 3y - 2 = 0 ...... [2]

[1]*4 - [2]*3 :
19y - 38 = 0
y = 2

Put y = 2 into [2] :
4x + 3(2) - 2 = 0
x = -1

Hence, the coordinates of A = (-1, 2)

L3 passes through (-1, 2) and (0, -3).

The equation of L3 :
(y + 3)/(x - 0) = (2 + 3)/(-1 - 0)
(y + 3)/x = -5
y + 3 = -5x
5x + y + 3 = 0

√3(2√3 - √6)
= 2√9 - √18
= 2√3² - √(3²x2)
= 6 - 3√2

(5 + √7)² = a + b√7
5² + 2x5x√7 + (√7)² = a + b√7
32 + 10√7 = a + b√7

Hence, a = 32 and b = 10
參考: andrew
2012-08-10 2:40 am
1. (a)用聯立二元一次solveL1同L2, x = -1, y = 2, A(-1, 2).
(b)用2-points form,
(y - 2)/[x - (-1)] = [2 - (-3)]/[(-1) - 0]
5x + y + 3 = 0
2. 睇唔明
3. 唔識

2012-08-13 17:30:18 補充:
3. (5 + √7)² ≡ a + b√7
= (5 + √7)²
= 5² + (2)(5)(√7) + (√7)²
= 32 + 10√7
∴ a = 32, b = 10.
參考: 唔好意思, 第3題再幫你捻吓, 我

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