
2012-08-10 1:28 am




回答 (4)

2012-08-10 7:48 am


1. Would you tell us that the storage limit for Jim in your wine cellar?
2. Please arrange the following bottles of wine to be sent to my office, meanwhile, please bring back 2 different kinds of wine which have been sent me from a drinking party.

After that, please send me the updated storage list of wine in your wine cellar.

storage limit:儲藏量(storage)限制(limit)。wine cellar:酒窖(指一般為顧客提供藏酒服務的商號,其中擁有先進的設備以供藏酒之用,並一般會讓顧客任意提存藏酒。也是港人一般對能提供前述服務的「酒倉」的慣稱)following:下面的、下列的。kinds:因原文是說「隻(種類)」,所以就用了 "kinds" 來英譯。如果原文的「隻」實指是「瓶」的話,請以 "bottles" 來替代 "kinds"。drinking party:指有酒精飲品供應的(drinking)派對或聚會(party)。如果原文實指是「雞尾酒派對」的話,請以 "cocktail party" 來替代。after that:在此之後。updated:已更新的。storage list of wine:因原文只是說「存酒清單」,所以英譯如此(list:清單)。如果原文實指「我的存酒清單」,請以 "storage list of my wine" 來替代。


2012-09-23 05:18:51 補充:
對不起,因不小心誤會了原句之意,所以我的回答的英譯裡的第2句(即由 "2." 至 "party." 的句子)須更正如下,才算正確。請以下列的更正為準:

2. Please arrange the following bottles of wine to be sent to my office; meanwhile, I have two kinds of wine there, please bring them back to your wine cellar.
參考: 苗克阿肯
2012-08-10 7:14 am
1.I would like to know how much is the warehousing limit of Jim's wine?
2.Please arrange these to take out the follow wine from the wine warehouse and send the wine to my office. At the same time, I will let one who send the wine to bring back two wine and deposited to my office in the wine!
at the end,please send the warehouse bill again to me!
參考: myself
2012-08-10 6:55 am
1. I would like to ask how many bottles of wine is Jim's storage limit in the vine vault?

2. I would like to ask to bring the following wines out of the vine vault to my company's office. Also, I will have two bottles of wine giving to the person delivering the former wines back to the wine vault for storage.

3. Then, please send me the supply list of the wine vault again.
2012-08-10 1:56 am
1.I would like to know what is the warehousing limit of Jim's wine?
2.Please arrange to take out the following wine from the wine warehouse and send the wine to my office. At the same time, I will let the one who send me the wine to bring back two wine and deposited in the wine warehouse:

And then please send me the deposited wine list again.

已經儘量譯, 可能會有d錯漏, 希望幫到你:)

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