Redox reaction question

2012-08-09 7:12 pm
KCl react with I2 唔係redox, but
KI react with Cl2 就係redox

KCl react with Br2唔係redox, but
KBr react with Cl2就係redox


plz help~

回答 (1)

2012-08-09 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Displacement reaction between halogens :
A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive halogen from its solution.

Cl2 is more reactive than I2.

I2 cannot displace Cl2 from KCl solution. Therefore,there is NO reaction between I2 and KCl.

Cl2 can displace I2 form KI solution.
Cl2 + 2I^- → 2Cl^- + I2
This is a redox reaction because the oxidation number of Cl decreases from 0 to-1, while that of I increases from -1 to 0.

Cl2 is more reactive than Br2.

Br2 cannot displace Cl2 from KCl solution. Therefore,there is NO reaction between Br2 and KCl.

Cl2 can displace Br2 form KBr solution.
Cl2 + 2Br^- → 2Cl^- + Br2
This is a redox reaction because the oxidation number of Cl decreases from 0 to-1, while that of Br increases from -1 to 0.
參考: andrew

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