Refinancing a small business?

2012-08-08 6:14 pm
I'm trying to locate companies that offer refinancing to small businesses. I purchased my business for 595,000 and I would like to refinance the remainder which is approximately 340,000

I tried Bank of America and a few other places, but they all seem to have a problem with business loans. Do you have any suggestions?

回答 (2)

2012-08-08 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No one is going to refinance a business loan. You were lucky enough to get a loan in the first place, so be glad, but I've never heard of anyone refinancing, unless it was a MAJOR corporation that had loans worth billions of dollars (because if they can't afford to repay, the bank that lent the money loses more than the corporation does).

You're pretty much stuck, unless you can get a loan based on any equipment and assets, at a lower rate than you currently have, and use that to pay off the original debt.
2016-09-17 7:33 am
I'm interested in this as well

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