Explain volleyball 6-2 rotation!?

2012-08-08 5:22 pm
Could you explain 6-2 rotation and transitioning? I'm really confused!

回答 (2)

2012-08-08 5:38 pm
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In the 6-2 formation, a player always comes forward from the back row to set. The three front row players are all in attacking positions. Thus, all six players act as hitters at one time or another, while two can act as setters. So the 6-2 formation is actually a 4-2 system, but the back-row setter penetrates to set.

The 6-2 lineup thus requires two setters, who line up opposite to each other in the rotation. In addition to the setters, a typical lineup will have two middle hitters and two outside hitters. By aligning like positions opposite themselves in the rotation, there will always be one of each position in the front and back rows. After service, the players in the front row move into their assigned positions.

This is my favorite rotation :)
2012-08-08 5:51 pm
A 6-2 system is where the setter comes out of the back row to set so the team can use all 3 front row players to attack. Only the players in the front row of the rotation can jump in front of the 3-meter attack line and hit the ball above the level of the net while back row players must jump in back of the attack line if they are to hit the ball above the level of the net.

When the setter's position rotates to the front row, the coach may decide to substitute a taller hitter in for the setter. The position opposite the front row setter's position is the other setter in 6-2, who would now be setting the 3 front row attackers. If the setter stays in front row with no hitter substituting in for the setter, the front row setter switches to right front as soon as legally possible to block, play defense, and set if the back row setter has to play the first ball or cannot get to the second ball. Once the setter has switched to right front, the setter keeps playing there until the ball is dead and then goes back to starting rotational order. The back row setter switches to right back on defensive transition and plays there until the ball is dead and then goes back to starting rotational order; right back provides a better approach angle for the setter to see the middle and left attackers in front and right attacker in back to decide who and where to set to.

Most beginning-level teams learn a 4-2, a 2-setter system where the setters are in the front row and switch to the middle to set the other two front row players. Both the 4-2 and 6-2 use setters playing opposite one another in the rotation, and then there is a 5-1 using a 1-setter system where it is played like a 6-2 when setter is in back row, and 4-2 when setter is in front row. Both U.S. Mens and Womens Olympic teams use the 5-1.
參考: Longtime volleyball player, coach, and referee.

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