2012-08-08 5:07 pm

回答 (8)

2012-08-09 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Philippines is fairly safe if you use simple common sense. Never carry large amounts of cash that will get you killed! Use your ATM card for daily needs from a bank or other safe ATM.
Avoid drunk Filipinos. I don't say this in a disrespectful or mean way.
Don't go into very poor or dark places or late at night.
Leave expensive toys at home, use your cell phone in a safe area so as not to be a snatching victim.
Always be polite and respectful, Filipinos are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Have fun!
2012-08-09 2:18 am
Do the same as you would for any big city in the world.
Stay out of bars & in at night. Always go out with your lady & let her do the talking as they will charge you (the foreigner) more than her.
2012-08-08 8:46 pm
Despite what you may have heard or read elsewhere, Manila is very safe for foreigners, much safer than large cities in the U.S., as long as you don't do anything foolish. As for precise information and tips, instead of the very brief answers you can get here, please get the very excellent guide, the 'Lonely Planet' guide to the Philippines, available at most large book shops or on-line. The book will tell you a lot more than just the basic safety tips, and you'll enjoy looking through the useful information, and exploring your options. Here's wishing you a fine trip!
2012-08-08 5:12 pm
Right now make sure you are a good swimmer... All joking aside they are having terrible flooding in the Philippines. Just be aware of your surroundings and the people you interact with. Not everyone is bad or good sometimes it is just the opportunity that is provided. Overall the Philippine people are very friendly and hospitable.
2012-08-09 3:41 pm
dont hang around places where you'd think you'd get mugged
2012-08-09 5:34 am
Don't wear bags with lonng straps. There are some people who run towards you and cut of the strap and take your bag.

Hide your necklace,bracelets, watch, gold, etc.... Don't want people looking at you for that.

If you do have a bag, always keep a good grip to it.

Never wave your hands back and forth while walking. Makes you more vulnerable to people with knives who will just out it by your stomach.

And anyways, why would you even need to ask this? Manila Philippines is a safe place if you are in the city side within the tourist attractions. Just don't end up with certain people.
2012-08-08 5:11 pm
safe ur money cos have swendler there ok
2012-08-08 5:10 pm
keep your passport hidden, don't carry an excessive amount of cash. make sure you know the basic local laws and don't do anything illegal.

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