why won't they pay me job seekers allowence?

2012-08-08 4:02 pm
i came back from spain last year after being there 2 yrs i was not entitled to allowance when i came back which i didn't mind as the advisor said i hadn't paid anything in for 2 yrs so you cannot claim.since then ive had a job & paid back into the system for 10 months & have just been made redundant. i have tried to claim again but have been told that i can't & i have not been in the country long enough ! how do they expect me to live i pay rent ,i need food what am i going to do if i cant get a job ? can i take them to the court of human rights ?

回答 (3)

2012-08-08 5:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have to be continually employed for 2 years before you can get JSA. You have not paid enough into the system.
Have you tried for Income support.
2012-08-08 11:08 pm
Your best bet is to contact the Citizen advice bureau who can advise you on what benefits you can get.
2012-08-08 11:06 pm
It was probably decided you're not habitually resident in the UK - meaning your centre of interest is not in the UK.

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