
2012-08-08 8:41 pm
Fill in the blanks with "a" ''an or "the".If no arttic is needed, put an "X"
(_____) inside the word is the ans

This is (a) fairytale taken from (an) Asian Weekly Magazine.
Once upon (a) time, (a) fairy came to (the) earth at New Year. She was(the)most beautiful of all (the) fairies.She landed at (the)old house. She saw (a) little boy and (a) sick man.(A) sick man was lying in (the) bed and (a) little boy was kneeling beside(the) bed crying.(The) house was almost empty ,with only(a)wooden table, two brokenchairs and (a) rusty axe. There was no food on (the) table.(The) fairy felt pity of them .She pointed her magic stick at (the) table.and different kinds of food appeared on it.(A) man and (a) little boy could not believe their eyes.However,they were too hungry to think about it.There ate all (the) food and had (a) happy New Year.

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2012-08-08 10:39 pm
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This is (a) fairytale taken from (X) Asian Weekly Magazine.
Once upon (a) time, (a) fairy came to (the) earth at New Year. She was (the) most beautiful of all (X) fairies. She landed at (an) old house. She saw (a) little boy and (a) sick man. (A) sick man was lying in (X) bed and (the) little boy was kneeling beside (the) bed crying.(The) house was almost empty, with only (a) wooden table, two broken chairs and (a) rusty axe. There was no food on (the) table. (The) fairy felt pity of them. She pointed her magic stick at (the) table and different kinds of food appeared on it. (The) man and (the) little boy could not believe their eyes. However, they were too hungry to think about it. They ate all (the) food and had (a) happy New Year. 注意:1. 說故事時當第一次介紹了主角a man/boy之後他們再出現時便是指定的the”他們”了。House和bed/table等物件亦跟同樣文法邏輯。2. the beautiful of all XXXs後面眾數的東西/物種是不用the的。有些文法書其實會講到當寫眾數詞時未必需要the的,尤其是如這裏的「東西」已經有本身的獨特/確定性,除非那XXXs的東西是世上有很多類,而你是專指前文所提的那一類,這情況或者要the XXXs。
2012-08-08 9:00 pm
line1 from (X) Asian Weekly Magazine.
line3 She landed at (a)old house.
4 (the) sick man was lying in (X) bed and (the) little boy
8 (the) man and (the) little boy could

2012-08-08 13:01:21 補充:
line 7 There>(they) ate all (the) food and had (a) happy New Year.

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